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chapter two || collaborations.
laila's pov

"Get in small groups, and just brain storm ideas," Our teacher called out. I still didn't get her name.

I sighed as every shuffled seats. I didn't talk to anyone except for Kelsey and her small group of friends. Suddenly they all crowded me. Slowly but surely Calum made his way over and sat in the desk beside me, scooting closer to the group.

"Oh and select partners in your groups! I want a poem down by the end of this week," Our teacher spoke once more.

He smelt really good. I mean not that I purposely smelled him, but he sat right next to me. He had a small blonde streak, he didn't have that yesterday. He jerked out a piece of paper, and wrote his name and the date.

"You want to be my partner? What was your name, Leah? Or Laila?" Calum's deep voice spoke up.

"It's Laila, and yeah sure," I said calmly, not daring to look up at him. He was kind of intimidating.

Everyone else did the same. Kelsey kept staring at Calum and I as if something was going on between them. It was obvious she had a crush on him, I didn't need to ask.

Natalie was sitting beside Luke, and they were whispering things to one another and giggling. Michael on the other hand was on his phone. Until he looked up, his jaw dropped.

"What happened to your head? I'm the only one allowed to be around hair dye," Michael snapped, squinting his eyes.

"Relax. I wanted something new Mikey, just how you want a new hair color every week," Calum laughed, looking over at me.

"You look weird," Michael chuckled. He set his phone on his desk, and began writing as the teacher walked by.

Everyone pretended to write, even me. Calum wrote, and he surprisingly got even closer to me. Maybe because his shoulders were so broad.

"What do you think? I mean about my hair?" Calum whispered to me. He turned to face me, but his head was still low.

"Does my opinion matter?" I answered softly. We were so quiet, no one knew we were talking.

"Yeah. I think," Calum mumbled, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

"Mhm," I continued, "I like it. It's something new."

Calum smiled ear to ear, "Thanks. At least someone appreciates my hair."

Calum spoke up louder on the last part, his dark eyes darting towards Michael. They began arguing again, but all I could focus on was him calling me love in the gorgeous accent of his.

"Did you write anything Laila?" Kelsey asked, her blue eyes widening as Calum leaned over me, reading my paper.

"It's blank," Calum spoke for me, taking a sip of his water.

"I was asking Laila, not you," Kelsey snapped, anger obvious in her voice.

"First period and you're already mad," Calum mumbled suddenly.

I didn't even get to answer the question before they were at each other's throats. Michael and Luke laughed like idiots, but Natalie was trying to stop them.

"Why don't you go sit somewhere else? You're not wanted here, you slag," Calum said sternly, trying not to raise his voice.

"You're such a child" Kelsey muttered, her blue eyes turning darker.

Everyone's eyes widened. Michael had an utter shock on his face, and Luke looked like an excited little boy waiting for the other person to continue the fight.

"Piss off," Calum said bitterly, not even bothering to look up at her.

Kelsey's eyes began watering, and before I knew it she was running out of the class with a wet face.

Natalie stood up, "You're a real āsshole, you know that Calum?"

"Yeah?" Calum snapped, standing up. He was so close to her, and so angry. It was a scary sight.

"Leave her alone mate, just cool off," Luke defended her, pushing Calum away a bit.

"Get out of the way," Calum muttered, pushing Luke and heading out of the classroom.

The room fell silent and our teacher asked what was going on, but we lied and said they needed somewhere quiet to write.

"Should I talk to him?" Mikey asked, looking at Luke.

"No! Forget about him, he's been crazy lately. Always starting things," Luke snarled, slamming his fist on the desk.

"Should I talk to him?" I offered, "I don't think he'll freak out at me. I mean we just met."

"You'd be surprised," Luke scoffed, "Go at your own risk."

I rolled my eyes. Calum couldn't be that bad. He seemed nice, unless you pissed him off. I made my way out into the hall, and Calum was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. I hope he wasn't crying.

I sat down next to him with my back against the lockers.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He lifted his head up, turning to look at me.

He looked pretty calm, "I'm fine. Trust me I'm not always like this, it's just she's been pissing me off lately."

"What's up with you two?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.

"We hooked up last night, after some stupid party and now she thinks I want to be with her and stuff," Calum laughed, "I hate girls like that."

He was one of those.

"You can't sleep with someone and expect them not to feel something for you," I defended Kelsey.

"Are you out here to make me feel better, or make me feel guilty?" Calum said softly, his dark brown eyes focusing on my lips.

"I want you to feel better, but I don't want you to think what you did was okay," I said nervously. I automatically felt myself blushing.

"Thanks mom," Calum laughed, "But your advice is a little too complicated for me."

"Do you want to just sit then?" I asked, running my hands through my black hair.

"Yeah. But, I need your number. So I can text you. For our p-project. You know so we c-can work on it," Calum spoke, stumbling on his words which caused him to blush.

"762-234-3921," I laughed, as he wrote it in his phone.

"Okay. Now we can just, sit," Calum sighed, resting his head on my shoulder until the next bell rang.


After I finished showering, I took my phone off the charging plug. I instantly felt my phone buzz.

From: 762-928-2729
Hey :) it's Calum x

From: Laila x

From: Calum
Tomorrow I have a football match. So I was wondering if you wanted to stay and then I could drive us back to yours?

From: Laila x
you play football?

From: Calum
Yeah, problem?

From: Laila x
you write poetry & play football?

From: Calum
Weird combination but yes. So are you in or not?

From: Laila x
i guess :(

From: Calum
See u Tmmr


the start of this book is boring af


this books gonna be so bomb !!

keep reading loves & don't forget to
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person || calum hoodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz