"Aww are you asking me out on a date," I say.

"Absolutely," he immediately replies. My cheeks turn hot once again.

"We'll then I'd be honored," I say with new found confidence.

"Good. I'll pick you up at 8 beautiful," he says, and bids me goodbye. I feel butterflies build up in my stomach and before I realize it, I'm standing there daydreaming for 10 Minutes.

I gasp and look at the clock.


When I see those numbers, I put my ass into high gear. I quickly get into the shower, and I'm out in not even 10 minutes. Then I swiftly try to find a cute outfit to wear for this party. As I search my closet, my eyes land on the perfect party outfit.
It's a cute black, long sleeve top with a white skirt and black thigh high boots to match.

 It's a cute black, long sleeve top with a white skirt and black thigh high boots to match

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Cute but causal.
Sort of.
Maybe I just wanna look cute for Jay.


I wait by my door in anticipation.
When the doorbell rings, I jump out of fright and excitement. I giddily open the door.

Just then I'm met with the sight of Jay. He looks hot, like not cute hot, hot hot. My eyes widen. He's wearing black slacks with a black button down shirt, matched with dark grey work boots. After I'm done checking him out, I look up to meet his eyes, and my breath catches in my throat.

His eyes are hooded, taking me in hungrily. As if he was a starved mad man. I blush instantly and look down, but Jay puts his pointer finger under my chins and life's my head up. He smirks at me.

"You look very, very beautiful tonight Avi," he says huskily, hunger in his voice.

"Thank you I shyly reply. He takes my hand and leads my down to a sleek black car. He opens the door and motions for me to come inside. I gently plop down in the passenger seat. I go to grab my seatbelt but he beats me to it.

He quickly grabs it before I could, then turns and slowly pulls it across my lap before buckling it. The whole thing was very sensual, and I was a puddle at this point, and we haven't even left the driveway. He looks at me and smirks before shutting the door and running around the car. He jumps in, starts the car and drives away.

I expected the ride to be awkward. But thankfully it wasn't. We chatted the whole time, either about school or about this party.

After about 15 minutes, we pulled up to a very extravagant house. This is not what I was expecting.

Cars filled the driveway, and I immediately recognize some from school, seeing them before in the parking lot

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Cars filled the driveway, and I immediately recognize some from school, seeing them before in the parking lot.

Jay swiftly opens up my door for me, before taking my hand and leading me inside.

The party was in full swing. Loud music, people dancing, cups scattered everywhere. Jay leads me to the kitchen and hands me a drink. I look at it curiously.

"Don't worry," he says noticing my uneasiness. "I only got you the punch, I don't care much for alcohol, plus you look like a lightweight."
I gasp, offended.

"For your information," I start, "I am not a lightweight." He looks at me before slowly stalking towards me.

"Lying doesn't look good on you sweetheart," he says. "Let's go dance."

For the hundredth time tonight, he grabs my hand, and he leads me into the the dancing crowd of people.

I immediately freeze up. I cant dance, like at all.

"Relax, no one here can dance, jus reflow with the music," Jay says. I slowly start to move my hips to the music. After a few minutes, I get more comfortable and start to move my hips even more. I look up at Jay and smile.

"This is so fun!" I exclaim. He beams at me and grabs my hips and turns me around. He slowly starts to grind against to me. He goes with the rhythm of the music, sending shivers up my spine. He quickly turns me around, and look down at me with hooded eyes.

"Your so beautiful," he says. He slowly runs his hands up and down my body, once again swaying to the music. We stay in that position facing together for quite sometime, getting lost in each-others eyes.

After a while, we make our way back to the kitchen for more drinks. We end up staying in the kitchen for the remainder of the party, talking and laughing, getting to know each-other more.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," I say to Jay. He smiles, his cute dimples showing.

"I'm glad, I know how upset you were yesterday, so I wanted to make today a fun day for you, to brighten your mood." I instantly blush, my cheeks Turning a bright red. I put my head down and grin, but when I look up, I see that Jay is now a few inches from my face. My breath hitches, as I look up at him.

"Can I kiss you," he asks, like he's out of breath, panting almost. It doesn't take long for me to nod. He leans in and crashes his lips to mine. This kiss was nothing like the one with Keaton. He's so much more gentle, treating me like I'm the most fragile object in the world. He swipes his tongue across my lips, asking for entrance. I quickly obliged and slightly open my mouth for him. He takes the lead, massaging my tongue with his, making me noun in pleasure. After a few minutes, he stops, gently pulling away from me.

"Go out on a date with me, a real date," he says, breathless.

"Absolutely," I reply with a smile. He grins and pulls me into a deep hug. He picks me up by the hips and wraps my legs around his waist. He feel him walking, and when I lift my head back up, I see we're back outside, standing by the car. He opens the door and gently placed me inside. I suddenly become very tired and yawn. I lay my head back on the seat, and fall asleep.

Suddenly, I'm woken up by a gentle voice, who I quickly realize is Jay. He unbuckles me and gently picks me up out of the car, walking to my front door. He sets me down, steadying me, making sure I don't fall. I softly smile up at him.

"Thank you," I say sweetly. He smiles and leans down, places a soft, sweet kiss on my lips.

"Anything for you beautiful," he says. After he bids me goodnight, I walk into my house, going right up the stairs into my room. I quickly strip down to my underwear and crawl into bed, not having energy to put on pajamas. Swiftly, I fall back asleep, unaware I left my front door unlocked.

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