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She said, "oh my God Jay I'm going to have to talk to him. I can't believe he told you."  

I said, "I get why he wants to protect you. I told him because I feel terrible about what I did, and I figured I needed to man up with him, I mean I couldn't what lie and say you were still at school, I had to say that you were at home. I just figured I owed him the truth."

She said, "look I get how it happened. I mean waking up late, you panic, thinking you are going to mess up and be late, and you freaked out and did your normal routine. It could happen to anyone. Thank you for the apology and the explanations and just so you know I am truly sorry for how I acted at the bar. I took everything out on you. I was angry and mad and flew into a rage and you were the victim. I'm sorry for hitting you. I had no right. I'm ashamed of my actions as well"

I said, "I deserved you hitting me, and I deserve it if you want to take me outside and kick my ass. I mean it Sydney. What I did today. I'm horrified. I'm sick. I know you have no reason to believe me, but I swear I'm not that kind of guy, nor am I that kind of co worker."  

I said, "I'll say one more thing if you will let me."  She nods.  I said, "um while I don't know any details, of what happened at your old unit, if you want me to go to the 47th precinct and kick their asses for whatever they did to you. I will."

Sydney's view:

What did he just say.  Wait how did he know where I worked. Kick their asses.

I said, "what, how did you know where I worked."  He said, "I asked your brother. He was saying how he was worried about you who you work with, how he wants to protect you but you don't let him by not telling him what's happening, how he just found out about your old unit."

I said, "oh well I am not telling him so that he doesn't go get himself arrested and get disbarred."

Tom said, "Well then you could let me help you.  I can fight Sydney."  I said, "I'm sure you can. But I don't want you nor need you to do that. It's over with."

Tom said, "ok, just saying if I find out who they are, I will be paying them a visit."  I said, "Tommy no don't. Look you are an officer of the law, you can't just go attack fellow cops Tommy. They would be out to get you, them and the other precincts. I um not that I care about you, I just don't want anyone to get in trouble or hurt because of me. It's not worth it."

He said, 'I can take care of myself Sydney."  I said, "do you hate being a cop, that you are so easy to keep saying you will just throw your badge away"

He stared at me.  He said, "No my badge is everything to me. Being a cop is my life. The only thing I have and only thing I ever wanted to do."

I said, "Then why risk it by getting in trouble fighting other cops."

He said, "because if they threatened you, made you feel unsafe, bullied you to the point that you lost your job, and they kept theirs that's wrong, and if I lose my badge doing the right thing then so be it."

I said, "Thank you for that. But honestly please don't. It's over with. I'm relieved to be out of there, and I'm excited to work with you all at Jump Street."  

Tom's point of view:

Judy comes back. I excuse myself to go to the men's room.  Doug follows me I guess.  I'm standing over the sink.  Putting water on my face, trying to stop the tears.

Doug said, "hey how'd it go, oh you're upset I guess she didn't"

I said, "she believes me and is letting it go, she wants me to stay and us work together, she said she will help me with cases, but that's it. We are not friends. Nor will we ever be."

Doug said, "Hanson hey I'm really sorry."  I nod.

Doug said, "hey look don't give up ok. I mean she says never, but just don't give up. I mean I'm pretty sure if you give it time, and back off, and she sees that you are actually a good guy, I'm thinking maybe she could change her mind. At least at being friends.  Maybe she's just scared to trust you. I mean if the 47th precinct bullied her, and then you call her names and then leave her standing in the rain and she gets in trouble. Maybe I mean we don't know what all they did to her."

I said, "I did tell her I'm here for her, if she needs me for anything, and also she let me put my number in her phone. I mean I don't have her number but"  Doug said, "good that's good."

I said, "I also told her I'd go to the 47th precinct and kick their asses if she wanted"  I smiled.

Doug said, "Good I'm going with you, I'll definitely help."  

I said, "She told me not to. She doesn't want me losing my badge or getting hurt, anyone getting hurt over her."

Doug said, "hey that's a good sign I mean she could want you dead."  We laugh.  I said, "yeah I also told her I'd let her take me outside and kick my ass, and knee or kick me there and I said as hard as she hits she would probably break it."  We laugh.

Doug said, "really good sign that you are still standing huh and in one piece."  I said, "yeah it is."

Sydney's side:

Judy said, "you ok"  I said, "yes. Things are ok between us. I told him that I will help on cases and do group stuff, but we aren't friends."  She said, "I see. I'm glad that you can co exist."  Everyone came back to the table.  They were telling me how good the pizza was so we ordered.

Doug said, "Hey Sydney. Just so you know. I'm definitely in with Hanson if you want us to go to the 47th precinct and kick some asses."  Dennis said, "Count me in for sure. We will teach them pigs a lesson."  Harry said, "I'll go too."

I burst out into tears.  I said, "Sorry you guys that is probably the nicest thing you could say, I mean to make me feel welcome."  Judy said, "honey you should let them. I'll go and help."  She hugged me.

I said, "I just don't want anyone to get hurt or in trouble. I could have got them in trouble, but I didn't because I was scared that they will retaliate, find out where I live. Follow me. Now I just want to put that behind me and try and forget all they did to me."

Tom said, "Sydney if you change your mind, let us know. What they did was wrong. I mean even if it was minor and I don't think that it was, they need to show respect you are a cop just like them."  I said, "Thank you all of you."

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