she feels so bad for emily. she's alone. she's been here for 2 years, and her parents are dead. she barely sees her friends or girlfriend. kie's only been here for a week and she feels so drained. emily has been here for 2 years. plus, kie had a friend, emily didn't. she must have felt so alone.

"okay, okay, we've got this, we know everything to do. we can not let anything go wrong or we're screwed. remember the back up plans and escape routes" pope says to the pogues outside of the twinkie.

"are we doing this?" john b says, holding up the bolt cutters.

they all nod.

"i'm ready to disable the alarms. once you're inside that building, i disable them. and i also disable the lock to kie's room. you have 5 minutes to get her out of there before the alarms go off. then you have to make it back here" charlie says.

"or if we manage to bag a keycard, you can use that" pope says.

"okay..." jj nods.

"you ready?" sarah says.

jj nods. "hell yeah. let's do this"

"go get your girl, for real this time" john b says, putting the bolt cutters to the gate lock.

"message the group chat if you see anything" sarah says to pope.

"message when you've got her" pope says.

sarah nods and her and jj make their way to the gate, that's now open.

"okay, so it's this building right here" john b says, pointing at the building.

"okay" sarah nods.

john b passes the bolt cutters to pope, before following sarah and jj through the gate.

"you okay?" sarah says to jj.

he nods. "i just... i haven't spoke to her in weeks, i don't know what i'm gonna say" he says.

"maybe, start by saying you're sorry" john b says.

"yeah" sarah says.

jj nods as he pulls the bandana up over his nose. john b does the same, and sarah just shakes her head. they finally reach the building, where there's a guard standing outside, pacing up and down.

"this is our cue, john b" sarah says.

john b nods and follows sarah out from their hiding space. john b pulls his hood down, and takes the bandana off, before he walks up to the guard.

"hi.. sorry, i was visiting my brother and i got a little lost..." he starts.

sarah sneaks up behind the guard and looks for the keycard. she spots it hanging on the keychain at the bottom of his pants.

"and i was just wondering where i should go? also, what time the visiting hours start tomorrow" john b says, folding his arms.

sarah slowly reaches for the card while the guard is distracted, talking to john b. she manages to grab it, bit accidentally brushes his leg, causing him to turn around.

"hey!" he says.

john b grabs his arm and pulls him back to face him, and punches him.

sarah turns to jj and tosses him the keycard. "quick!" she says.

he goes to the door and uses the keycard to open it. he quietly opens it, slides in, and closes it again while john b punches the guard again, knocking him out.

jj lightly runs towards the stairs and goes up them. he gets to the second floor and checks that nobody is around before walking down the corridor. he counts the doors until he counts five. he takes a deep breathe, as he walks towards the little sliding hole to look through. he sees the back of a girl. all he has to see is the brunette curls to know it's who he's looking for. he opens the door, slowly, so that he doesn't scare her. she turns around and stares at him, frozen, in confusion.

conscious love- the sequel to automatic love- an obx jiara love storyWhere stories live. Discover now