"Okay," I hear Mia say.

She walks out of the bathroom.

"Woah Ace I didn't see you there," she says.

"You looking for something," I ask her.

"Yeah, did I bring a speaker," she asks.

"I don't think so. I never saw one when I looked through your suitcase for you know."

"Right, we will be done in about 10 minutes," she says before going back to the bathroom.

"We didn't have a speaker so no music today."

"Can you sing to me like you did last time," Leah asks


I didn't know that Mia could sing.

"Shining, Shimmering, Splendid. Tell me princess now when did you last let your heart decide," Mia sings.

Wow, I never knew.

Leah comes out of the bathroom with her hair done in a low braid and overalls that are a white-cream color.

"Mia will be out shortly," Leah says.

"What happened to ten minutes," I say.

"That was for me. For her she needs about another twenty minutes," Leah says.

"Okay, let's watch something shall we," I say.

"Tangled," she says.

We sit back on the bed and watch Tangled until Mia is ready.
"Relax Ace," she says.

"Relax I am relaxed," I say.

"Ace we are on the beach and the sun is hitting us at the perfect spot," she says.

"I know. It feels great I am just worried about Leah," I say.

"Your mom is with Leah. I told her to come and hang out with us," she says.

"Well that's nice," I say and relax back into the chair.

Things have been a bit strange since we fucked last night. I didn't want anything to change between us but it seems like it did.

"Ace," Mia says.

"Yeah Mia," I ask her.

"You okay," she asks.

"I'm good," I say.

"Do you wanna say goodbye to Leah and go get ready for the game?"

"We have a little time before we have to get ready so let's just sit and enjoy the moment and the view together."

"Okay," Mia says and takes my hand and places it on her thigh.

"Perfect," I say.

"Ace can I tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Your different."

"Good different or bad different?"

"If you won't let me know then I won't let you know."

"Fair enough."

This is what makes Mia so special. It's always so easy with her. She knows how to enter a room and when she does the room lights up. She gets me and I get her. She is great and will forever be the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I'm just so held bent on asking her the question.

"Okay let's head back now," I say.

"Okay," she says.

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