.CHAPTER 67 - New Experiences.

Start from the beginning

"Gerald Barnabas Gumball, there are some people outside making a lot of noise calling your name. I suggest you go out there and ask them to stop yelling." Professor Kenner asked politely, giving me a sweet smile. I really like her. I nodded and rushed to put my things in my bag. 

Fiona and the others just don't know how to make a quiet entry, do they? 

I smiled as I picture the hassle they were causing outside.

"Oh, I wonder if it's that imaginary boyfriend..." said Amanda, laughing as the other girls joined her. "I might just follow you to see if he's real... I mean... you bragged so much about him the last 2 years... we're curious as to why he never even visited you." She said, snickering, trying to get to me, but I never got mad which made me her target even more.

Amanda was Nick's big sister... and the way I rejected him in front of all our classmates really annoyed her. She swore to make my life a living hell...

I just ignored her and rushed outside. And, like I thought, as soon as Fiona saw me, she screamed and ran toward me.

"GUMBAAAAAL..." She yelled, as she ran and hugged me as hard as she could.

"O-oof..." I let out, from the impact. "Oh my Glob I missed you guys so much..." I said as the others joined in on the hug. I smiled.

"Awwn, thats too precious... no boyfriend though... that's too bad..." Amanda said to the others, as they laughed and took off. I just huffed and tried to ignore her.

"Hm... what was that all about?" Fiona asked me, with one eyebrow raised. I sighed.

"I'll tell you guys at the bar." I said as we head out to one of the Pubs near campus.

*At the Pub*

We all sat at a booth to be more comfortable while talking. We ordered and starting to chat.

"Sooo... what was that all about? Who is that girl, anyways?" Bonnie asked. Flame, Mono, Marcy, and Fiona also looked at me, expecting an explanation.

"Well..." I sighed. "On my first year here, I got really hit on... by many guys... but of course I kept telling them I already had a boyfriend named Marshall Lee... they were all really nice and understanding... except for Nick." I said keeping my head down.

"And Nick is..." Fiona asked, urging me to keep talking. I sighed again.

"Nick is Amanda's baby brother and he's really persistent. One day, at a party, I got really over all of his advances... he was starting to really bother me... he was drunk and kept trying to touch me... kiss me... so I pushed him away and yelled for him to stop coming on to me because I had a boyfriend and we loved each other very much." I sighed. "From that moment on, Amanda has never left me alone again. She's just trying to protect her little brother... but damn... she's relentless... and vengeful..." I finished.

"Oh... so... she's bullying you?" Fiona said, angry. I smiled.

"Oh no, don't worry... I don't care about any of that... I just miss him." I said, sadness in my voice.

Yeah we know Flame said. I miss my best friend too. Flame sighed.

"Well, we all miss him... but... we gotta remember he said he would come back in 5 years. We only have 2 years left. Its almost over..." Marceline said. I smiled.

"Yeah..." I said.

"And you sure did what he asked... you're being brilliant... as always..." Fiona said, putting an arm around my neck and hugging me.

As we kept chatting and having a great time, we eventually noticed Amanda, and a bunch of other people from my class, laughing and pointing at me when suddenly, I looked at the TV some news channel was on. But what I saw startled me, and I stood up abruptly. My eyes widened.

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