.CHAPTER 67 - New Experiences.

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AUTHORS NOTE: This picture is how I imagine they both look like right now.




Just like that, one year has passed. I was okay... I kept thinking about Marshall, but... it was all goog.

"Hey, beautiful... what're you doing?" Said Nick.

I've been pretty successful when it came to brushing off everyone that came on to me. But Nick was the hasdest one... he refused to be brushed off that easily.

"Hi..." I replied. "I'm tying to study..." I said.

"Well... I'll study with you then..." He insisted. I sighed.

"Look, Nick... I like you... but... I told you countless times... I have a boyfriend... his name is Marshall Lee... and I love him..." I insisted.

"Hm... you say that... yet no one has ever even seen this man... where is he?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I... I don't know..." I said, as I looked down. He huffed.

"That's tough... you say you have a boyfriend... but... you don't even know where he is..." He said as he stood up... 

He leaned down closer to me and whispered. "I'm not gonna give up... and I'd never leave you alone for a whole year..." And he left.

He didn't understand... and I didn't want to explain... 

Marshall asked me to wait for 5 years... and that's what I'm gonna do.




Flame, Marceline, Bonnie, Mono and I all decided to go visit Gumball at his school in Boston. He had a rough year. For some reason, this year has been tougher on him then the year Marshall left. But... we are going out there to give him support and to figure out what happened to him. Most of us are already done with college and are looking for jobs... so, we thought we'd spend some time in Boston... that way we can all be close like we were before.

We were all waiting on him outside... his class should be ending by now.



I made a mistake.

The first year of college, I was alone. Marshall had just left, and I felt empty.

When I arrived in Boston for my first day in College, I got really hit on. All the guys here are so cool and hot and nice... But... in my heart, I was still Marshall Lee's boyfriend.

But... I also made some enemies. 

I met Nick on my first year and his constant attention and unwavering pursuit slowly started to wear me down... One day... I just snapped at him at a party. I told everyone I had a boyfriend, and that his name was Marshall Lee. The girls in my class pushed me to know who he was, to introduce him... but I could never do that...

The first parties were the hardest... all the questions and harassing. Honestly, felt like high school all over again. 

Now, things are better, no one really bothers me anymore, but I was portrayed as a liar now.

Not like I care, anyways.

*Bell ringing*

Finally, freedom.

COMPLETED - The Way He Makes Me Feel (GUMLEE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora