Chapter Forty-One

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I smiled kissing her, before switching to Alexander. In that moment I knew I loved these people with all my heart.

I snapped out of the memory, grabbing the lock. I dropped it on the floor, burning it.


"Are you okay, mamma?" Raphael asked.

"I will be. I still have Magnus. And I have you." I told him.

He smiled, before we got up.

"Alright, now shall we get your room prepared." I told him.

"Yes." He told me.

We went to work. I helped summon everything he would need for his house, before we did things the more mundane way. 

"Can you help me with my room?" Simon asked me.

"We'll see." I told him.

We did laundry and bought groceries.

"Mamma, can we go to the Chinese restaurant?" He asked me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes. I need to pay my respects." He told me.

I nodded in understanding.

"Alright. I was going to give this to you as a "congratulations, your human" present but I guess I can give it to you now." I told him as we walked outside.

In the front yard, you see an infiniti Q60 sports car.

"OMG, can you be my mom!" Simon yelled.

"She's mine and mine only." Raphael told him. "Thank you for the car." He told me.

"Anything for you, mijo." I told him.

"Mamma, for real?!" He screamed.

He may be a 70-year-old vampire, but he was turned at the age of 17. He's now just a normal teenager.

"Here. You can drive." I told him, handing the keys to him. We got in as he drove.

"Stay here, mamma. I need to do this by myself." He told me.

"Yell, if you need me." I told him.

He nodded, before going inside.



I walked near the park. Watching people go by, until I saw a mother with her child. It reminded me of Madzie being with us.

We were walking on a street, getting ice cream.

"Can I have some sprinkles please?" She asked us.

"Oh, they don't have those here, Madzie." Alexander told her.

I made a face.

"I thought we were teaching her restraint." He told me.

"Just this once. Please, Alexander." Stella begged beside me.

I watched as she gave him the look we can't say no to. He nodded his head reluctantly.

"Go ahead, mi soleil." she told Madzie.

I watched as she added sprinkles, before taking a bite, making a mess. I kneeled down and wiped her face.

"You know, you're gonna be a hell of a dad." He told me. "What? You don't think so?" he asked me.

"To be honest, I've never even considered it." I told him as we watched Stella walk ahead of us with Madzie.

"Why not?" he asked me again.

"My father's a prince of Hell. He's not exactly a good role model." I told him, watching Stella skip with Madzie.

"Well, my dad's not perfect either. And look at us! We both turned out pretty okay. And I mean, come on, Stella would make an amazing mother." he told me.

"You would be amazing. You already are with Raphael." Magnus told me.

"He is right, mama. You would be an amazing mother to a baby." Raphael told me

"She would. She's always had that maternal instinct." I told him.

"We may have horrible parents, but we would all work together when we have kids." He said.

I looked at him, before smiling.

That's never going to happen now. He lied.


I get out of the car, worried for Raphael.

"Raphael." I called out.

"Over here, mamma." He told me.

I looked around to see him with Maia and Jordan. He was eating.

"Why didn't you tell me you were hungry. We could have stopped at a Saltgrass." I told him taking the seat next to him.

"I was explaining my situation to them." He told me.

I looked towards the wolves, who glared at me.

"They better stop glaring at me." I said.

"You best wipe those looks off your face." I told them.

"Why didn't you tell us about the serums?" Maia asked me.

"I was busy." I told her.

She growled, looking at me, shining her eyes. I immediately showed my warlock mark.

"Luke, you have to teach Maia control, or she will get herself killed." I told him.

"Is that a threat?" Luke asked me, growling.

"It's a warning." I said, flashing my eyes.

"Maia, you may be someone I like, but make no mistake I will put you down." I told her.

"Come Raphael. We still have things to do. Like get you credit cards. I already have your bank account filled with money, so you don't need to worry." I told him.

"Thank you, mamma. Goodbye Maia. Jordan." He told them.

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