Chapter Twenty-seven

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"Magnus, I miss my job. And I miss, our angel." I said

"I was fired!" I yelled, angry. "I'm the High warlock of High Warlocks. I can't be fired." I said angrily.

"I'm sorry, my star." Magnus said.

"Lo Siento, mama." Mijo told me.

"I'm sorry about your job, Stel." Alexander told me.

"I know dear. I miss him too. You know, you could always help out with my potions." He said

Before I could reply, I saw Alexander come inside.

"Alexander!" I screamed kissing him. He looked shocked, but quickly responded.

"Who was that woman?" He asked

I knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Stella-Woods, a longtime client and the lead in Wicked. She lost her voice. A touch of ground ox claw, some calcified lizard's feet, and she's back on the bill." Magnus explained

"It's been a long time since I've seen you with a client. I don't even know what Stella does." Alec said

"Yes, well, it's frowned upon when you're the high warlock. Potential conflicts of interests and such." Magnus told him

"I had been high warlock of New York City for over 200 something years, so I never needed a job. I have plenty of money to throughout my lifetime, but it seems my life got boring." I said

"But since we have been dismissed, We are free to do whatever we want." Magnus said

"Wait, I lost my position." Magnus said.

"Oh, Magnus." I whispered grabbing his hand.

"Wait... 'dismissed'? What? Well, what happened?" Alec asked

"While you were in Idris, the fallout from our decision to lend the warlocks support to the Seelie Queen." I explained as Magnus looked for his ingredients.

"I'm going to be having words with the Spiral Labyrinth." I told Magnus.

"I'm sorry." Alec said

"Don't be. We are not upset. I'm actually... elated." Magnus told him

"Me too." I said

"Shouldering the weight of all the warlocks in gets exhausting." Magnus said

"Imagine all of New York City warlocks. I had to keep everyone updated and protected. I may be a tribrid, but I still get tired." I said as Alec and I walk with Magnus

"No kidding." I said.

"Well, I understand. I just... I thought this was important to y'all." Alec told us

"What's important is I can start seeing clients again. Help them achieve their dream... and make a lot of money doing it." Magnus said making a drink for himself

"It was important, but all that responsibility gets tiring. Now I can focus on what's important to me. You and Magnus." I said sitting next to Magnus as we looked at Alec.

"So... how was Alicante?" Magnus asked him

"It was fine. Yeah, I, um... I was offered a position on the council." He said

"Oh my god! Alec! This is amazing." Isabelle told him as she hugged him.

"Good job, bro." Jace told him.

"I was offered a position." Alexander said suprised.

I looked up, waiting for him to continue.

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