Chapter Twenty

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I woke up in alarmed. I was not able to sleep for more than two hours last night. Thankfully, I had Magnus with me. He explained what happened and we just comforted each other. 

"I see. He switched our minds." Magnus confirmed around us.

But the sun rose and so we did. I saw Magnus change his usual clothes and can't say I disliked. I was getting a little turned on.

"Hot." Alexander said.

We had breakfast and made potions, until we sensed Alec.

"Shall we show him the new you?" I asked smiling

"We shall, my star." he said as we went to the door. I watched as Magnus opened the door presenting himself.

I laughed at the expression Alec made.

"Alexander." Magnus greeted

"Wow. You look very..." Alec was saying

"I was bored. Needed a change." Magnus told him

I watched as Alec walked inside, closing the door, before Magnus attacked Alec in a kiss.

"Ha... is everything okay?" Alec asked

"Yeah. I've been worried sick. With all these attacks, you shouldn't be out on your own." Magnus told him

"Well, I'm not on my own. I'm with you and Stella, the high warlocks of Brooklyn and New York City." He said kissing me in greeting

I couldn't help but smile and smile wider at the grin on Magnus face. But the moment was ruined when Alec brought up work.

"A body was found in Williamsburg. Have you heard anything?" Alec asked us

"No... but warlocks don't report their misdeeds to us. If they did, not only mine phone, but Stella's phone would never stop ringing." Magnus told him

As Magnus and I stood by each other, Alec turned towards us. "Magnus, Stella, I need your hair. It's just a strand for DNA test to clear you both." He told us.

"Excuse me!" I exclaimed, offended.

"I didn't realize there was anything, we needed to be cleared of. Do you not trust our word?" I asked him as Magnus and I got closer to him

"of course, I trust you. I know y'all had nothing to do with this. It's just, this is... it's Clave orders." Alec told us

"The law is hard..." I started.

"But it is the law." Magnus finished.

Orders, orders, orders. He never puts us first.

"I will try. I promise." Alexander told us.

"I see. So again, you're just blindly carrying out orders? What happened to following your gut?" Magnus questioned

"Magnus. Stella. Shadowhunters are being slaughtered. I'm just asking for a strand of hair. Let's not be overdramatic." He told us


"Well... I wouldn't want to be overdramatic." Magnus said pulling a strand out, putting it in the pouch Alec had out.

"Stella, please." He said

"Get out." I told him

"What? Stella, Magnus, come on...." Alec said

Magnus just opened the door with his magic. We watched as he left, closing the door behind him.

Magnus just pulled me in a hug.

"Shall we drink our sorrows away?" I asked him

He only nodded, getting us some drinks.

"Do you think everything will go the way it was before the demon situation?" I asked him

"No. We went through pain that we long thought was past us. And he brought those back. I don't think we can go back." He told me

"What will we do if the Clave comes back for my DNA?" I asked him

"We will do what we do all the time. Fight together against anything or anyone." He said

"Shall we dance?" I asked him

"You guys are amazing dancers." Clary told us.

"Thank you. years of practice." I told her.

"Let's." He said grabbing hand, pulling me up.

"I love you, Magnus Bane." I told him

"I love you, Stella." He said before kissing me.

"Alexnader, is damn well, lucky to have us." I told him

"That he is." He said

We went back to slow dancing.


As we watched the city below, we heard Alec come inside.

"Stella, Magnus, you were right." he said

Magnus and I both turned to look at him

"Y'all never have to prove yourselves to me." he said grabbing each side of us. "I love you both." He finished

I smiled alongside Magnus.

"We love you, too" we said

He kissed me first before grabbing Magnus. We took this to the bedroom.

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