The sound got louder.

Y/N: Guys???

I spoke but got no reply.
I looked at my side and saw Taehyung looking at me.

But I noticed one man pointing his gun at him.
I quickly pulled him towards me and shot the person behind him.

But unfortunately, a bullet passed at my direction and made a cut on my arm.

It's small though.

Taehyung: Y/N, you got hurt.

He looked at my arm and at my eyes which is full of worry.

Y/N: No time for this. Let's go.

Chaneyol: Y/N??
Y/N: Yes?
Chaneyol: We killed 3 men. Thanks to Jimin, he stabbed one.
Jackson: We killed 4. They attacked us but thank god, Jin helped me.
Y/N: Well done guys..

Yoongi: Y/N, we found Namjoon.

I widened and looked at Taehyung.
He also widened his eyes.

Y/N: Where is he?
Yoongi: He is tied in a chair infront of us in the third floor. We are hust hiding behind a pillar-

Gunshots were heard from his side

Y/N: Shit. Guys, come to third floor, now.

With that we all ran to the third floor.

We saw Yoongi and Jungkook fighting with our enemies.

There are totally 20-25.

We also joined the fight.

I was fighting with one but saw a guy who was holding Taehyung at back and the other was about to stab him from front.

I quickly shot the both and he looked at me.

His eyes widened and was about to say something but I just shot a man who just came behind me to stab me.

I shot him while my eyes were still on Taehyung.

His jaw dropped and I smirked in return.

Queen for a reason, duh..

The fight continued like that while we each helped one another.

That's when I noticed a man who took a remote and clicked a button in it.

I noticed the direction he is looking at and found a bomb.

None noticed that as they were busily fighting.

I found Yoongi also looking at the bomb and he turned his gaze at me.

Y/N: Taehyung, Jungkook! Get Namjoon out of here.

They nodded and quickly went to him.

They untied him and took him while supporting him.

We managed to knock of our enemies.

Y/N: Jackson, Chaneyol!  Help Taehyung and Jungkook reach safely out of this building.

They nodded and left behind them.

Now it's me, Yoongi, Jin and Jimin.

There are 6 of our enemies, now.

We were fighting.
I saw one of our enemies hit on Jimin's head.

He was about to lose consciousness when

Y/N: Jin, take Jimin out of here and Yoongi help him out.

Jin ran to Jimin while me and Yoongi stopped the men from reaching Jin and Jimin.

Queen's Embrace||KIM TAEHYUNG x READER||Where stories live. Discover now