1st String

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Once the butterfly left its house, it will fly far far away.
From what it had called 'home' once.
From the tiny, narrow place to lean once.
To the open world filling the new page of life.

The caterpillar now has wings. Metamorphed, turned into a better being. Beautifully spread its wings sailing through the cloud.

The beginning has finally begun.

(Y/n) opened her eyes as she heard some loud noises from outside her room. Awaked by her parents fighting about some random stuff in the middle of the night. She sighed and covered her ears with her pillow, trying to sleep once again.


The door suddenly banged open startled her. Her reflexes immediately put her into a sitting position with now hugging the pillow. Her parents still arguing and sometimes bad mouthing each other.

"That's it. You crossed the line, Touya. I take (Y/n) with me!" Half shouting her mother tucking in (Y/n)'s clothes into a duffel bag, put everything primarily needed.

"We have talked about this. (Y/n) is staying with me!" Her father held her mother's wrist, trying to stop her packing things up.

"You don't even know how to do the laundry. Do you thing I would let my daughter do everything while taking care of you? A huge good for nothing man?!"

"That's besides the point!" Her father shouted even more "That's what a woman should be anyway."

"Seriously?!" Her mother shoved him and guided her daughter, leaving the house. Left the father behind.

(Y/n) still processing the situation. That's so much stuff going on in her head. Her mother lead her to the car, giving her a little hug before she started the car and they went somewhere she didn't even know where.

They were quiet. (Y/n) didn't even asked where they were going nor she really cared. She actually felt relieved her mother took (Y/n) with her. She stared at the night city view in Hyõgo. She might not be able to came here often after this. She would miss this town and as a high school student, she would miss her classmates.

"(Y/n), honey? Can we talk?" Her mother asked her in a soft tone makes (Y/n) focused her attention to her.

"I am sorry I can't give you a perfect family like others have. I was afraid this decision would put you on edge. But I'm glad you don't seem to be shocked or depressed." Said her mother as tears fell down her eyes, still focused on the road.

"You don't have to feel sorry, mom. I understand. I would do the same if I were you. I know you've done your best for me all this time." (Y/n) smiled at her mother, giving her mother courage.

"Thank you, my daughter. I am so glad my daughter is you. Really, thank you." Her mother held (Y/n)'s hand whilst still crying.

They stopped at the nearby convention store. Her mother couldn't hold her tears anymore. She cried, (Y/n) cried, they cried together hugging each other.

They were never the type of family that have physical intimacy. They didn't hug, they didn't said 'I love you' to each other. They yelled at each other. Everything that might not bring peace, they did it. Perfect opposite of the happy family.

At this moment, (Y/n) knows, her mother had done her best. She had done her very best to this point. She endured every sorrow by herself and she don't even complain. She is definitely the most wonderful and strong person (Y/n) ever knew. Admirable indeed.

In the end, they bought lots of food and drinks. They spent the rest of their trip talking, laughing, and having heart to heart conversation that they rarely did before. (Y/n) enjoyed this moment more than she ever imagined. It might be a good start for both of them.

"By the way, mom. Where are we going?" (Y/n) asked while munching a big bite of chocolate muffin.


Author's note

Hello 👋.
Well, this is not my first book but somehow I feel this book will be good.

I thank you all for reading this story. The mental and family issues in this book is basically my own life. I made this book because of the build up stress that I have irl.

This is my way to cope from my problem, tho. There will be lots of mental and family issues. So for the people who suffered the same situation and the people who relate to the character, I don't want this to be your trigger or anything. Well, I warned you, hehe.

This book contains suicidal and self-harm. Be sure not to feel the character too much, especially for you who is currently in the instability emotional control phase. Do not try this at home ⚠️.

For you who struggle, I hope you find your happiness soon. Let's spread love and do better. We might hate our tomorrow but we never know, maybe we'll look forward to it someday. I pray for me and for all of you guys. ❤

For you who wonder when will you see Ushiwaka, relax cause he will appear soon. One thing for sure, I did not lie about the mature content 😏 so stay tuned.

I think this is long enough. In that case, please be safe and stay healthy everyone.
Bye 👋

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