Author POV
Everyone was drinking except taehyung cause he us underage so. He drink a green apple drink with some snacks while dancing and they all were enjoying it. It is the best club in LA. And tomorrow is the last day to live here since tae has more plans for couple , tomorrow tae has plans for couple and he has bring many things for them. Now everyone was drunk except yoongi and tae. In first time, twins get drunk. They were all sleeping except yoongi, tae and twins.
Twins- taetae........*in drunk voice*
Tae- yes hyungie
Twins - Please don't *in drunk voice*
Tae- why hyung ?
Twins - Because we.... *in drunk voice*
Tae- what did you say? *eye widden*
Author POV
And they slept and tae was so shocked they love him back both of them. He was blushing. He just wanted to scream so loudly that his both love him. And he know that he will forgot it by tomorrow by the will know if after that. After that everyone came to tae house.
Tae- how we will take all of them hyung?
Yoingi- you take jhope , y/n and eunwoo hyung and jimin and i will take twins and bogum.
Tae- ok hyungie
Author POV
After that tae left each person into their room. And yoongi too. They both were downstairs drinking water.
Tae- why all are so heavy ? Who has told them to get fully drunk?*while drinking water*
Yoongi - that true, all are so heavy, if they all came to club they all of course get drunk only especially jimin and jhope who are not easy to handle.
Tae- hyung now let's go to our room and sleep and good night hyungie
Yoongi- good night bear

*After that they left for their room and do their routine and sleep while wearing comfortable clothes. Everyone was wearing heavy clothes except taegi who wasn't drunk and then they sleep well*
In morning
Author POV
Everyone wake up with a sharp pain on his head except tae and yoongi. When everyone wakeup, they see the lemon juice for making relieved in this pain. Everyone smiled seeing how he has made their drink..After doing their routine and then they all left downstairs seeing yoongi and taehyung eating breakfast.
Tae- oh ! Hello hyung's, Good morning, are you fine now all of you?
Yoongi- Good morning to all of you guys and are you all fine now ?
Tae- you all eat your breakfast then i have to tell you all something, OK?

Author POV
Everyone eat their breakfast. The food is rice cake and pancake for all of them. They love their food. After eating then they go to living room and tell all of them to sit.
Tae- today all of you are going on date plan which i have plans it for you by your favorite place and favorite food. So except kookie and ggukie hyung and me are not going. Cause i know bogum and eunwoo hyungie are friends so i am planning a friendly date for them. So they are going and all are going to date, i have sent your plan into your phone and clothes are in the closet so get ready now.
Yoonmin plan
*Ammusment park
*Art museum of love
*lunch date at xxx cafe
*Game zone in xxx mall
*big human sloth machine of teddy bear
*then late night beach candle night dinner.

Jhopey/n plan
*water park
*painting park
*lunch date at xxx hotel
*amusement park
*dance studio
*candle night dinner in xxx garden.

Bogwoo plan
*game zone in xxx mall
*movie date
*lunch date at xxx cafe
*wax museum
*amusement park
*candle night dinner in xxx hotel.

Tae- i have sent your all plans and i will meet you all at night. And tell me how it was ? And i have sent you all your booking tickets and all are free riding for you so you don't have to pay anything, i have pay it for everything. So go now get ready for your date.
Gguk/kook- what about us ?
Tae- i have some plans to for us of now you two also get ready too so bye.
Tae outfit

Tae outfit

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