Silvers Raleigh, The Straw Hat Pirates, And Uta.

Start from the beginning

"Wahahaha! These rookies are pretty reliable!" Rayleigh laughs.

"A bit too impatient." the man in the mask comments.

"Is that Luffy?" Uta asks as she looks at a shrunken down Luffy. "Is shrinking also part of his devil fruit powers?"

Now that everyone is out in the open, the marines are now more eager than they were previously. They soon rush in blindly seemingly towards the ones who just exited the auction house.

"Seems like they're looking down on us." Uta said as she adjusted her glasses. "As a diva, I shouldn't encourage this, but should we try and bust our way through?"

"I'm down." Zoro said, drawing his swords.

"Hold on, rather than fight, shouldn't we focus on running?" Usopp suggests.

"Well, they're fighting." Uta said, pointing to the Heart and Kid pirates.

"We don't have to be like them..." Usopp said.

"You can stay here, m'lady." Sanji said walking before Uta. "Let me handle this."

"Alright then, it's probably better if I don't get too involved." Uta said, taking up Sanji's offer.

"Fight for me too!" Usopp quickly said.

"Do it yourself." the cook growls back.

Uta watches as Sanji and Zoro dashes in to join the fray. The diva's eyes glow red and so she looks behind her to see some marines pointing their guns at her and the others.

Bang! Bang!

Uta quickly gets between her and the unarmed and slaps the bullets away with her haki infused hand.

"You're quite capable." Rayleigh compliments. "Where did you learn haki?"

"Friends and family." Uta answers proudly.

"Are they here on the archipelago?" the man asks.

"Yeah, but they should be fine." Uta said. "They can all handle themselves on their own. Besides, it's not like they're going to be hunted by the marines."

"That's good." Rayleigh said.

Uta looks back to see the marines preparing to open fire once more. Uta grabs a spear that was left on the ground and twirls it around.

"I don't care if you're my biggest fan." Uta said as she glared at the marines through her sunglasses. "You shoot at me and my friends, you're going to pay. Diva Dart!"

Uta swings the spear, letting loose a small blade of air. The attack cut right through the roof and the shilling that the marines were standing on breaks apart causing them to fall inside the house. Uta looks to her side to see some other marines aiming one of their mortars at her.

"She seems to be a dangerous one!" one of the soldiers yelled. "Aim at her!"

The heavy artillery fires causing some of the members to panic. Uta twirls the spear and tosses it towards the cannonball that was coming towards them. The spear pierced through the ball of iron, causing it to explode, and into the mortar which also blew up.

"You go girl!" Nami cheers.

"So cool!" Usopp and chopper scream in shock.

"You're so strong, Red." Camie said, clapping.

"Don't use my name right now." Uta said hushing Camie. "We don't want the marines figuring out that I'm rebelling against the World Nobles."

"You got it." Nami said as she pulled out her staff. "We need to focus on getting out of here."

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