"So why won't you just tell me then?"

"Because!" I protest. "It's none of your business!I just don't want to talk about it!"

"So the sex is bad then?"

"What?No,that's not-" she cut me off.

"So it's good then?Is he a gentleman or is he a real Tarzan in the sheets?" I pull a face at her words and her eyes widen. "There wasn't any sheets to begin with huh?"

I was blushing crimson red at this point. "Please can we just drop this topic?" my eyes darted to him and I was so sure that he deliberately lingered within ear range just so he could over hear everything we were saying.His lips were pursed,perhaps to stop himself from smirking.I've never wanted the ground to swallow me up as much as I do now.

"I'm not letting this rest until I get at least something," Mei Mei demanded with a little grin,taking in my blushing cheeks as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Just tell me if it was awesome.I noticed you have this lighthearted aura around you and you even smiled just thinking about it.I mean look at you-you're blushing!"

"Pipe down," I hiss again.

"Could it be from receiving some extra powerful sex,perfectly doled out,wet orgasms that-" I cut her off.

"Alright!Okay!It was mind-blowing!" I confess,using the files in my arms to cover my face.For the first time in my life,my cheeks had burnt up this much and I couldn't face the world after this.Here I am,a grown woman squealing like a school girl who just saw her crush. "Are you happy now?"

He certainly looked to be.

"Yes," she giggled and pulled the file away.Mei Mei gave me one pat to the cheek and smiled in triumph,stepping back. "I want to know more.Thick and long or fat and short," she walked backwards,still holding my gaze as a crazy smile pulled on her face. "Anal maybe?"

"Mei!" I yell and she spins on her heel,walking down the hallway with her deep laughter following.It wasn't till I was sure she was gone that I take him in,staring at him who continued to mop the floors.

He didn't say anything,just kept his head down and continued to do his work.But for some reason that only pissed me off,just a little bit.He was acting as if I didn't exist and so I'd do the same.I gave myself a pep talk,building up the courage to walk past him and head to my class.There was nothing to it.

You can do this [First Name] ,after reassuring myself one last time,I trek forward and make my way past him.My heart thumbed against it's cages and I didn't get far before I heard his deep voice echoe throughout the quiet hallway. "I should've fucked that stick right out of your ass."

I stop dead in my tracks,my shaky breath following soon after. "Wonder if it's as tight as ya pussy," he speaks again and I cringe at how loud he sounds.

I shut my eyes and gulped before slowly turning around.Like a hit to the stomach,there he was.He leaned against the wall,clutched the mop tighter and widened his smirk. "Mind-blowing huh?"

My grip tightened around the files I carried and I felt the same tension ignite between the two of us.I didn't think I'd have to look up at him ever again but here he was,casually staring down at me with a egotistical look wiped on his face. "This is my work space so I'd appreciate it if you'd carry on about your day and pretend like we never happened."

"We?" He raised a brow and stared at me. "There ain't no we."

My jaw tightened and I cringe at how it sounded. "Pretend like it never happened."

"Pretend what never happened?" he mused and my face turned sour.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about," my teeth grit against one another and I narrow my eyes on him.I won't say it,his only trying to embarrass me.

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