Passing by Viper she had a confused look as to where her Feline-sister was going, "Where are you going?"

"To the training Hall, I'll meet you and the others at diner later, just need to do some extra training." Answered Tigress.

With that she left the room leaving Viper alone for a minute, but not for long as she slithered out of the room and made way to the kitchen, knowing the boys tonight was going to be interesting.


(Present time, Jade palace)

A few hours after Viper and Tigress talked, night had come and almost everyone was asleep, and in their rooms in the Jade palace. The only person currently awake was Shifu as he sat in the hall of warriors with the scroll about the human in front of him and a few candles around him. He thought of what would come the following day when the 'human' would be brought to the palace for questioning.

After he had sent his students to capture it he had decided to see if he could find anything else on this human. But after searching nearly every scroll in the archives he couldn't find a single scroll on them, so all he had to go on was this single scroll.

But what happened after this supposed war with them? Where did they go? Maybe this 'USA' that was mentioned by the odd object that was brought back the first time. But if so why did they disappear?

The scroll made out to be their victory was certain, but then they were never seen again.

It didn't make sense... and if they were so violent, why hadn't it killed anyone yet? The weapons it possessed were more than capable of doing so if it could easily destroy a board from the training equipment, and the fact that the human had almost beaten his students shows it was a capable warrior, so it knew how to use them... so why didn't it?

'What if it didn't want to hurt anyone?' He then wondered, as the thought floated into his mind.

It would make some sense since it only injured one of the guards the first time it was encountered, but Viper did tell him that it was about to use one of its weapons on Tigress. That thought brought him to a stop as shuttered at the thought before he tried to unravel this problem. It had nearly beaten his students so it enforced his idea that the human was a skilled warrior, but his students were some of the most skilled warriors in all of china.

So, did that pressure it into thinking that it needed to use its weapons to defend itself? The thought did make some sense after some consideration.

'Maybe it only killed it if it absolutely had to but was not afraid to protect itself and would take any step necessary too.' He pondered.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted though when he heard the doors to the hall open, and after turning around he saw Zeng entering with a worried look on his face.

"Zeng? What the matter?" Shifu asked as he got up and began walking towards him.

"Uuuhhhh" he first responded as he fiddled with his feathers nervously which worried Shifu as the only time he did that was when there was bad news.

"Well?" he then questioned as really didn't want to waste anymore of the night.

"The monster master Shifu... it sort of... escaped!" Zeng explained with a slight gulp to tried and settle his nerves.

"What!?" shouted Shifu in shock.

"It escaped... master Shifu." Zeng repeated with another gulp.

Shifu shifted his gaze to the ground for a moment as the information sank in. After a few seconds he readjusted his gaze to Zeng, as his look went from shock to serious.

"Did it harm anyone?" he then asked as wanted to test his theory about the human.

"No master Shifu, it only knocked out two guards." Zeng told, which gave more support to Shifu's theory.

Seeing that his theory may now be correct, Shifu decided to chance it and allow the human to go free for now.

"Go and tell the guards not to pursue it." Shifu ordered.

"What!? But... Master Shifu?" Zeng then questioned but stopped when Shifu raised his hand to silence him.

"There is more happening here then there appears to be... so I want you to go down to the valley and tell the guards." Explained Shifu, as he lowered his hands, with there being a few seconds of silence before Zeng gave in.

"Yes master Shifu." He replied before taking off and out the door towards the valley below.

Shifu turned back to the scroll and looked closely at the human image, he could only hope.


Hello there, another update

Hope you enjoy this Chapter, as you can see I gave a bit of time to Viper and Tigress, at first I wanted to do the whole Furious 5 and Po but I'm still new to writing these stories and characters that it's hard not to make any of the characters feel 1 dimensional, I need some help with writing those scenes, but I also wanted go a little deeper into Vipers decision to stop Tigress from killing John.

Anyways hope any writers see this cause when it comes to more character development and writing those scenes I need help. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter and hope to see some good reviews and please no flames.

See you guys and girls soon.

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