Chapter 7

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(3 hours before Johns escape, Jade Palace)

After the Five and Po returned from their battle with the human master Shifu has given them the rest of the day off for them to recover from their injuries they sustained, luckily nothing as bad as when they faced Tai lung, just a few headaches and bruises, Crane has a headache from getting hit with the branch and has an ice pack to keep it down, Monkey and Po had a bandage wrapped around their heads, Mantis had been swatted so many times he's used to it, in short he'll live, the only one not badly hurt was Viper who was currently helping her Sister-in-arms, Tigress, with cleaning her wounds she sustained from the beating she received from the human.

Throughout the whole time Tigress wounds have been treated she was silent, Viper tried to start conversations with her but were met with no reply so she decided to keep quiet till she was done. The whole time Tigress had a look she hadn't seen before, a look that consisted of her usual coldness, and focus, but she also saw something different, something she's never seen in her feline sister.


She's been like this since Master Shifu tested the creature's weapon on the training board, such power in one small weapon, just what is this creature. Tigress told them it was called a Human and that they were dangerous, but that was it. She must have more info than that, but what?

So deciding to try again she asked the question of the hour, "Tigress. I know you've been thinking about what happened with the Human, but you can't keep these thoughts to yourself. We need to know what it is if we want any chance to understand it." She paused for a bit to hear a response but got nothing from the Tiger master, growing frustrated she tried again, "If you won't talk I go ask Master Shifu but we need this Info." Still nothing, deciding to leave her Feline-sister alone she cleaned the last wound with a sigh before putting the tower down before slithering in front of her. "Your wounds will heal, but till you're ready to come out I'll be with the others in the Kitchen, best not to rest on an empty stomach."

With that she started to slither away but before she reached the door she heard a soft whisper, "Why?"

"Huh?" Confused, she turned around to Tigress with a questioned look. "What do you mean why?"

Tigress turned to face Viper a glare that made Viper flinch ,only a little "I mean ,why, did you stop me from stopping that thing, when I was close to slicing its throat with my claws you stopped me, I know we had orders to bring it back to the palace 'alive', but it almost KILLED us, almost KILLED me, and you stopped me from ending it." There was silence for a minute, the air was tense that you could cut it with a knife, the silence was broken once again by Tigress, "So I ask again, Why?"

Viper was silent for a minute, she wondered herself why did she stop Tigress from killing the Human, at first she thought it was because of her Kung-fu teachings to protect life and not to take it, it's why even after she got her fangs she decided not to use them, but when she saw her comrade about to take the life of the Human something in her told her that killing the it would cause more problems in the future than fix them.

Deciding on how to answer she took a deep breath and spoke her thoughts "I can't say what caused me to stop you from killing it but I do know this, we are meant to be preservers of life, not executioners."

"What about Tai Lung, Po killed him with the Wushi-finger hold, how's that any different?" Tigress questioned.

"The difference is that Po didn't make Tai-Lung suffer a painful death, the hold is more of a quick and painless end, while what you almost did was something we only see from bandits, that's not your style Tigress." Answered Viper

Tigress paused to take this info in but was still having doubts, so wanting to go clear of her aggression she got up and started to make way for the door.

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