Chapter 18.

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Journey POV.
its May 2023 I'm 25 River is 28 Raelynn is 7. I'm in my third trimester. I'm almost done yay. I can't wait to have this baby. River and I decide to wait until birth to know the sex. we're at the conjuring cabin. which is in South Lake Tahoe that many say holds a demonic entity known as the yellow eye demon. The Conjuring cabin one of the scariest Paranormal Activity spots in the world session and exorcism in recent history where one priest says the evil spirits came from in the late 1970s a man that went by the name of Joseph Holt had unfortunately taken the lives of two women in the span of two years Carol and Brynn were found dead in the woods not far from this location while the details are a little bit too gruesome to talk about even for me so to sum it all up there was very little evidence to go off of due to technology in the 70s due to this their cases went cold for over 40 years meanwhile more and more missing persons cases kept piling up in the area with no suspect ever to be found have been connected to this man this is Joseph Holt the district attorney tells us this suspect had no criminal history and investigators are now actively searching for more victims it wouldn't be until recently with the discovery of DNA testing and forensic genealogy that they would get more information from this case that DNA testing had pointed to Joseph Holtz but unfortunately he had already passed away in 2014. to South Lake Tahoe cold cases years apart now have closure and a connection the body of 27 year old Brynn was found in 1977 after going missing for a month a 16 year old Carol would follow the Zephyr Cove teenager sneaking out to go to a party never seen again their murders went unsolved for decades until now it's huge working back in the late 80s and early 90s working homicide. we didn't have this technology now he lived in Tahoe his entire life and was never suspected of being a criminal in fact he was a realtor who owned many places in the area including this one it is said that he was very well liked and trusted by most people in the community so no body ever suspected that he'd be able to do some thing like this Joseph Holt a South Lake Tahoe real estate agent living under the radar for decades Holt died in South Lake Tahoe from a heart attack in 2014. a Cold Case investigators believed strongly in the possibility he was a Serial do we know that these are the only crimes that he's committed based on the circumstances and what we see that's very doubtful looking back over the years locals had started to remember that his behavior was particularly strange and suspicious when it came to this cabin they believed that he committed those crimes inside of this cabin as well as many others that authorities suspect him of doing as well this is where the new owners come into play when the activity had first started ramping up they had no idea what was going on until an elderly neighbor had told them all about Joseph Holt as the activity would continue they had started to describe two different apparitions that they'd see in that cabin they would describe seeing a young boy in a dark figure with yellow eyes the owners had decided to bring a medium to the house to find out who these two entities were they discovered that these two entities are in fact one person with a split personality and the medium says that it is Joseph Holt himself. we've already heard all kinds of weird in here setting up Ryan keep feeling that some one's up there just staring right at us. and one of the stories was that some body heard this rocking chair rocking but the owner heard it when they were in their room they looked over the balcony and saw a dark figure with yellow eyes Ryan said rumors say that there was a man who used to live here who committed a horrible crime you had two women either here or right in your backyard and you dump them off in the forest we can hear you a lot of people called you all kinds of horrible names maybe names that you did deserve but one word people would call you was psychotic stories say that you acted like a child and now when any body stays here they will hear what sounds like a little boy they will see what looks like a little boy but when you get upset people say that you look like a dark figure with yellow eyes now we are here to have a conversation with you to see if you are actually here we're hearing all kinds of noises lots of things have been happening here already when we first got here until now the first thing I'd like to do is use a device that you can use your words we cannot physically see you unless if you show us what you look like but we have these special devices that give you the ability to use your energy to where you can use your words or you can show us that you are nearby this device right here in my hand. Wyatt just went whoo River said what did that just say Ryan said that just said River. River said Why did that say that right away. Ryan said how do you know we haven't even introduced our selves yet. Wyatt said we've been here talking. Ryan said oh that's right. now that you said River's name. the camera just turned towards the couch. Ryan said"now that you said River's name we would like to properly introduce our selves you may have already heard our names while we were here setting our gear up and getting ready to talk to you my name is Ryan. Wyatt said my name is Wyatt. River said my name is River. Ryan said now use your energy please there's devices upstairs and this device right here you just said River's name I'm going to go ahead and set it here on the table I also have this device that is very sensitive this metal antenna right here if you walk by it or touch it it'll start to buzz and light up all kinds of different colors I am going to say this we're not here to harm you if you think we're trying to we just want to know some information don't be afraid that is right there come down stairs I also have another device that might be a little bit easier for you to communicate with us using a word or a whole sentence I'm going to set it right next to this one so if you'd like you can use both of them to create a whole sentence if you'd like where are you what's your name there's a name already on file but can you give us the name before we say it I. are you here can you do us a favor and go sit in that rocking chair right next to Wyatt. did you those two women inside. some thing knocked on the window. spirit talker said tragedy. Ryan said so you did where was it right here where all the stains are some body knocked on that window. Wyatt said I heard that. Ryan said that scared out of me so people would describe this guy as having some what of a split personality they said that he acted like he was a five-year-old child almost like he was stuck some people think that he had been possessed ever since he was. the spirit talker said many died here. Ryan said did you do it. River said that's crazy because they were only able to find the two bodies but they don't know if there were more. Ryan said because he died before they could even get any answers. Wyatt said he's apparently linked to like a few unsolved things in this area. Ryan said even the body that was found in the duffel bag you never know it could have been him. then the spirit talker said dark entity here Ryan said no that was spot on who else is here then this is odd is it one of the women is it some body else a victim of the man I want to say his name but I really want them to tell us the name first if the man is here what is your name maybe one of the women presence dark entity here presence he said some thing what else is here as I was saying this man people think that he had gotten possessed when he was five years old and he had been possessed maybe this is why people who come here see what looks like a child a boy would that make any sense I mean when he'd die maybe he was forced to do all these kinds of things and he was stuck as a five-year-old boy his soul and a body that had been taken over by a dark entity it's crazy I know but people around here say that speak to us please give us some information the two ladies the victims or any body else can we maybe get some information so that hopefully if we can help solve this case a little bit is this the five-year-old what the what if the five-year-old boy is here if you are able to control your self for a little bit there's a ball at the top of the stairs right there if you can knock that down the stairs we would really appreciate that what's up what's going on yeah give us a sign please that's the rocking chair did you just I did that was legit right behind you did some body just sit in that rocking chair it's just that demon it just said demon no it's just that demon no way dude this device just said demon is that who sat in the chair because that's who's been seen there oh what four are you gonna do some thing kind Veronica kind Veronica do they know the names of any of those girls I can check it what if one of their names is Veronica Veronica were you a victim of this man did you get murdered during the spring time Let go please loud just said loud okay so the two that he's suspected here is Brynn and Carol Veronica do you know those two names Brynn and Carol this man was suspected of multiple people can you speak please can any body direct us which way to go to talk to the evil entity the man who had committed these crimes upstairs we hear some body up there that sounds heavy too what is that knock I don't know I just show us where you are please make a noise and knock draw us towards you Don't Be Afraid please if the victims can hear me use your energy these devices that we have whoa no no wait plural us oh my God what's his name say it through the device please you can do it that's freaky bro that's actually crazy and it all happened right there huh can you light that device up right there on the table in that general area is that where he did it the one that's glowing red please that'll just give us a confirmation what the devil thank you is the man here the evil entity the demon the devil are they here right now why are you still here the victims are you stuck here because this is where you took your last breath or are you stuck here because the man that did this to you is keeping you here in a couple of minutes here what we are going to do is split in three we're going in separate rooms completely lights out and we want to talk to this dark entity this man the one who has a split personality we want to see if we can talk to the five-year-old boy if you can hear me please use your energy maybe you can give us information that we're looking up there just doing laps in the hall what the is that that was just banging you want us to come up stairs if you walk out of that hall way towards us there's a device right there that plays music if you stand in front of it that device has the ability to track your motion and it'll start to play music when it sees you so if you'd like to give us a direction on where we can have a conversation with you where you feel more comfortable we would appreciate that there's some thing weird here man some really messed up stuff happened those two that said that he called you earlier can you give us some more information please can you tell us why what happened no one no one really knows any thing is that one of you right there did you just touch that one single beep again who knocked on the window earlier we heard it did you feel that I did what was that felt like some one just went right through here you guys felt like a temperature change like a huge temperature change yeah it's like a like coldish this way that felt legit like some one put a fan right here for a second turned it on and then turned it off like you can just feel it go drink drain they're Gathering energy feel free you can use every thing that we brought the dark energy with yellow eyes where are you show your self are you up stairs maybe we should just go up just give it a shot see if any one's up there we're gonna make our way up stairs then if you're not coming down to us we're going to you guys think we should just go completely lights out split up for a little bit see how that goes some body was trying to give us information I don't know if it was the victim it makes a lot of sense because they told us who is here through both devices they said your name through this device legit first thing that comes out first thing and we didn't even introduce ourselves yet but why it did have a point when we were setting up I'm sure one of us said your name multiple times yeah you guys want to yeah let's do it all right let's go lights out okay this is the time where we split up and see how things go for us to the evil entity in this house the three of us had decided to split up so we can try and space things out maybe it will make you a little bit more comfortable for you to just talk to one of us so if you can or even the victims you were all welcome to talk to all three of us or just one of us who ever you feel comfortable with some thing tapped on my window really yeah no where are you are you in there with Wyatt we're just looking for some answers oh that was fast who is this we still have these devices where you can use your words please speak to us well guys whoa we were executed my music box is going off I see it who's we what was that yeah what the was that I didn't hear it no I think that was my door yo I have this feeling that some body is about to walk in here whoa oh no they're they're literally giving us all the information about what happened to them here is any body moving nope oh my God well some thing just banged out here I heard that too oh my God dude some one's in the room with me who's walking around right here uh what do you hear that right no guys some one just hit my window why is it so much more up up here this is where we were hearing the walking I'm hearing it right now whoa guys my window my window just got hit I don't like the fact that there's an underneath to this bed oh and it's a bunk that there's some thing up top what's with the wind does I don't know oh is this the entity with the yellow eyes are you here oh my god dude no push that ball down the stairs we're just asking you to show us that you have that kind of energy if you can understand what we're saying walk right in front of that music box please just a quick walk you're quite a long time ago oh 41 years ago if we're in danger light that in hell dude no so the other Spirits here is that entity it's still around dude it legit sounds like some one's right next to me well which room did you just go in hear us can you knock on the wall which ever room you're in what go in Wyatt's room please he wants to talk to you God damn it what the is going on does that mean you're in my room can any of the victims tell us what the man's name is that took your life sigh that's trippy like they don't know dude what the are those noises next to me it's okay if you can't give us that information forest forest attachment yo oh my god that's literally where they were left and people are saying that that guy was possessed or had some thing wrong with him yeah Branch it's saying more Forest more wood stuff it just said we can affect you did you know that the police found your bodies in the forest now no please leave what what the it just said no please leave who said that I think some body's warning us I'll move some thing the ball at the top of the stairs if you can please well I think some body is telling us to leave so that we don't get hurt because my device just said earlier killed you don't get hurt because my device oh my God what did you just hear that that was a slam no some thing just was slammed down stairs I don't know where who ever said you'll move some thing can you do one of our doors oh I don't want them to slam my oh wait I don't have one slab a door thank you so far for giving us this information dude some body's seeing us right now some body is watching us I will flash the lights they're making the music go off they're making the REM pod in the hall way go off I understand what you say what the oh wow oh my God that is incredible so then listen sit and listen we're listening give us the information please we wanted you to feel more comfortable with us and so far I think this method is working a lot better what some one is right next to me this is creepy I feel really bad for the victims I'm very close by we're really here what the I'm buried close by we're really here are you guys stuck here John they're giving us names with a J Wyatt I know thank you so much that name does start with the J but I don't think that's correct we do know that you're really here just keep showing us why did that go off again okay can you chill out for a second wait guys what my device just said I visit I asked if they were stuck here can you go back and forth like this why would they come back I don't know I hear some thing downstairs where's the dark entity right now can you give us that information can you see me what the no we can't that's why we have all these devices because we can't physically see you unless if you have enough energy to show us and manifest your self we this is weird guys this is really trippy The Story Goes that this man had a split personality when the device goes by we this could be did a device just say some thing murdering and it says we won't harm you holy we this five-year-old and the man the evil entity that was attached to this five-year-old his split personality watch out here God this is actually really really crazy guys huh you're not moving Wyatt are you no how's your day my day is good but you're freaking me out it's not funny actually freaking me out is there any more information you'd like to give us hello why do you like my room you know it's trippy Riv if it really is the guy that did The Killing and he's like back as a child maybe he likes your room because that's the children's room that is true flashing some how I always get the kids room why you ain't gotta lie to kick it dude you wanted to lay in that bunk bed he does have Scooby-Doo pillows if the five-year-old is here and understands what I'm saying right now if you can hear me your name starts with a J we know what your name is oh my God that just freaked me the out what are you not hearing that no guys hello what are you moving no some one's walking Ryan yes I'm not moving at all you swear I promise as I was saying we want you to talk to that dark entity we want to talk to them my camera's going in and out of focus are they with river right now River are you moving yes I am trying to sit up in my bed because I'm freaked out dude you guys don't understand how clear that stepping was speed oh try what you wanted to talk to the other one oh now that you're here why did you take control of this boy did you force him to kill those women I just heard a knock yep we hear you answer us why did you do it the noise was him whoa dude telling him to do it oh my God that is split personality if I don't say it I don't say this usually but I have an open spot above me for Ryan or Wyatt are you inviting us yeah what's so funny I did it I guess we could sit in a circle right there on the ground and do an EVP I mean you know like I wouldn't be mad I just want to see if we can capture this guy's voice dude the story Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is my man this story guys is lining up to the T yo guys yeah I think I hear the rocking chair no I swear to God you're lying I swear go look guys what did that say his name short for Joseph that was his name holy they would call a five-year-old they wouldn't call him Joseph they would call him Joe for short oh my God right when we looked at the rocking chair this is wild man let's do an EVP right now let's sit in a circle right here see if we can capture either Joe's voice oh this is weird guys I can't believe that just said Joe no it did it said joke not even j-o-e no straight J it'd be like dude for Joseph yeah j-o guys sir yeah yeah yeah did you hear that Joseph we have this device here that gives us the ability to hear what your voice actually sounds like what we would like to do is sit here in a circle and have you join us and answer a couple of questions after we ask tell dude this is this might be a little bit too much for me right now hear me tell Dude wait is he gonna tell us the down stairs camera's moving what are you talking about it's moving it's looking at us right now it what yes but at first it was looking at the sofa and then out of no where just you understand me it was looking at the sofa and then it stared at the chair and then from the chair it looked up at us this is too weird this is intense it's getting very intense I'm getting like the Shivers are we hang on look at us right now I I'm facing you you're facing him and he's facing me let's do that I've always wanted to do this on one let's swap okay yeah yeah ready yeah and this is incredible what the is going on bro this is too much man this is insane I just want to let you guys know real quick the reason why we are funny do the comedy stuff is because we are terrified dude it's a stress reliever it is it soothes us a lot of you guys usually go in the comments or like how do you guys do that how do you deal with it that's how like we've gone to some of the scariest places just like last episode if you haven't seen that please check it out we laid in morgue drawers now with all that being said you guys we need to get into this EVP and see if we can get some more questions answered dude we're getting to the bottom of everything that we were told everything that is said about this place this is why we do this I love it so much what EMF just ticked oh that's freaky because that's tall yeah that sounds like some body was trying to get in the door what if we die we might dude oh okay are you guys ready let's do some EVPs this right here I'm going to set right in the middle of us if you are here we're going to ask a couple of questions and we would like you after each of our questions they just ran right next to us and shut the floor speak loud and clear into this device please right here you guys are gonna sleep on the bunk bed together tonight huh guys get this video to 40 000 likes and we'll finally film a night of us sleeping in a location because the times that we do weird happens through out the night 40 000 likes and we'll film one I guess that means that they're gonna have to see us all I mean typically what we do is we all get in the bed together and we have to sleep together because it's so scary and why it doesn't like sleeping with any clothes on for some reason it doesn't matter if we're sharing a bed together or not he also gets really mad if we don't sleep without our clothes yeah it's like weird really nice like really nice let's focus up here okay he's like stop pointing every thing at me here we go you make sure this is good Joe are you here if you are here how old do you think you are right now for those women the two that were killed was it here in the house and do you know why did he tell you why is that you standing right here Joe we just felt you move yo what the that would sound like a squeak yeah almost as if some body either opened a door or just turned the handle you know what I'm saying here we go dude my body is so tensed up right now what the yeah what was that okay we gotta play that one one more time yes I don't like laughing it kind of does if that doesn't sound demonic I don't know what would be demonic let's do one more the dark entity with the yellow eyes the one who had possessed Joe and made him do these things do you think it's funny Joe tell me about these two women or do you not want to talk about them some body say his full name please second EVP here we go three so no dude we hear you you want to move something move that ball at the top of the stairs so odd this whole situation so far we can't quite decipher some of the EVPs but what's great is while we're editing listening with our headphones it's a lot easier to tell some times we can't even tell at all what we did here is some angry growl and laughing but it that's why I brought up the two women again because the moment that I asked about the two women it's almost like he didn't want to talk about them yeah you know I think the little boy Joe I think he was talking to us and he was saying that he didn't want to do it dude I understand what they say about hearing the rocking chair do its thing that was terrifying like you could hear it go this honestly this place I've never said that you know it's scary when we're like on a little thin ice with this place wanting to get the out of here sorry for my language but I'm just being honest I think we're starting to get a bunch of these stories that we're told about you but if you weren't possessed when you were alive when you did these things that was wrong the why are you still here what has caused you to stay here probably trapped those awful things I feel like when you do something so bad I mean some people say that you relive it over and over and over again right but what about the women why are they still here if they're even here when some one's killed or any thing and they don't know no way oh my god dude I'm speechless when some one's killed or any thing and they don't know no way oh my god dude I'm speechless what the just happened we weren't moving no we have it on camera we have it on several we have it all on camera well we no way I think that camera might have caught the ball moving I don't know if that's the case holy this place is scary I'm not gonna lie this might be one of the scariest places we've gone to so far I don't know just like the story
and the feeling and wow that was incredible oh my god dude I'm shaking bro I'm shaking that was crazy that's the first like couple so I'm scared Jesus I thought at first some body was knocking and then when like the ball I started seeing the lighting up I'm like crazy dude this is too much can we go can we just leave I don't like this place man I'm starting to sweat I might need some fresh Escape yo it's telling us to go where the hell are Sam and Dean when we need them done done
this is insane that scared me so bad then my socks almost fell down Joe did you do that was that you or was that somebody else parents wait a second occurrence uh the people that live here they're done they want to get out because of what ever's going on oh yeah are you bugging the people that live here is it fun for you you do know they don't want you here right we've been trying to find out why you're still here so that maybe we can talk you into leaving it's a rough world out there I don't know how it is in this Spirit Realm none of us do
this is why we ask so many questions for you to answer where is that that sounds like some one coming upstairs the others scare me the others scare me whoa is that the little boy talking now yeah but what does others mean maybe because of what he did in general wait yeah you're right I was Just every episode dude I don't know I'm scared man terrified dude okay hold on the others the others is there more than one with us dude guys I'm starting to think some thing's going on do you think this is gonna break if I'm on it I'm scared man I okay you guys have seen me freak out so many locations but this location I am terrified dude it's like usually I'm able to like calm myself down and and handle it dude we just got back from Waverly Hills sanatorium we did some scary there right now we're in a cabin and I'm even more terrified did you hear that what I did that noise right before any of that went off oh we were just in a circle what was that noise I don't know what is going on dude please can some one what do we do down what do we do I'm in panic mode right now hey we turn on the other camera go down stairs talk for a little bit try to figure out if this spirit will leave yeah and let's go what do you think I'm with it I like that idea let's make our way back downstairs obviously if more crazy happens up here we have to go after you know what we came here for what we came here for obviously we're terrified are we we haven't left this place yet we're still here we're gonna finish it up just get terrified from time to time we'll get through it with all down to the house and we were just talking about getting them out trying to get it to leave bound we've never gotten that before right that is actually weird that correlates with what you were literally just saying or I was saying we still need to try let's make our way down stairs at this point we are down here to try and find out if there is any way we can talk you into leaving what are the odds of that it's really weird is that where you want to go you want to go up in heaven huh who's weird I think they don't mean it in a sense of like literally inside here I think they mean they're moving around from place to place it's dangerous to leave is it okay if we ask you not to come back to this family's home if you have other places to go occupy those places oh we've gathered so much information from what you've done to the people here we've also gathered information that you do exist is that back upstairs if you are still upstairs make that music box go off so we know that you're under standing us right now I know you probably don't like what we're saying to you but unfortunately that's just how it is it's hard to treat you good because of what you've done and oh look I was right there it's time to go this is my rocking chair now yeah Ryan's rocking chair to all the spirits in this house whoa yo I felt that earlier if the victims are still here if you guys can hear me you don't have to stay here you don't have dude room it there's a device right there that's lighting up blue prove it right now touch that antenna if he is really here you don't have to be bound here any longer you don't have to be here because of him you can move on to the light if that's where you want to go oh EMF is going off that's what I heard and Joe or I have many regrets Whoa We Under stand Joe you need to move on as well EMF meters taken like crazy oh my God Joe listen we're not blaming you right now we under stand you add what people call a split personality as you grew up you'd act like you're an adult but then out of now here you'd snap and be back to trapped here control did it say control to says control and trapped here son of a dude the dark thing this is starting to get a little too intense man this is scary how do you demerge Spirits how do you do that I don't know from the beginning this is weird man no get out whoa they're not leaving man no no the dark Spirit was like because you just said how do you demerge Spirits no get out we're trying to get them all to leave too yeah yeah he's like nope he's like no you're not going to separate me from Joe this is crazy this is pretty wild I've never had goosebumps all the way up my neck bro that dark Spirit what ever you are demon say what you will you're not allowed did it that's the first time it happened you're not allowed to stay here any longer either the family that lives here this is their home what in the dude this is like a new case for us really we've never dealt with a spirit who has a split like who was possessed and probably is still maybe possessed still some how with this evil entity Joe is his own person and there's some thing with him yeah crazy there's bad here yes this is incredible so you're telling us that there's no way to help the other Spirits here I'm talking to you the yellow dye dark what ever you are can you answer that please that just looked at some thing they just looked at some body else don't be silent the devices are completely quiet right now this is weird is that a confirmation is that stating that you won't let any of these Spirits go who ever's attached to this house this is weird man what do we do we've never dealt with some thing like this I think we try at least right we open the door and like maybe we can just help it's time to go get the F out of this house leave now you're not welcome here any more the victims you're free it's time to go to the light out of that door right there picture a bright white light you do not belong here it's time to go the dark entity get the out oh who's that yeah did you see that I'm getting really really nervous hold on that was freaky sounds like some thing was just walking down the hall clawing on the wall try your hardest to break away from this evil entity push him away and run out that door now let Kevin deal with him I don't know man I mean I think the only thing we can expect is maybe like a message or a call from the owners here if we need to make a return we will maybe we study a little bit more figure out a good cleanse that we can do maybe even say like a couple of like words like a prayer or some thing I think that's all we can do for now besides all that like whole Leaf it's so crazy here man this is so active I don't think we've dealt with some thing that is this insane in a long time that was some thing that this is is this gruesome I don't know all I know is at this point I feel like we might be stirring up the pot yeah I don't know though we also don't want any harm to come to Joe yeah yeah and or the family that's here but we did get a call burden we did get a call to try and do our best so we did we got information at first they just wanted to know if they were crazy we got all the information the stories are true literally to the T this is insane yeah. we pack up and left for home. but before we did River wanted taco bell so we went to one and ate. then we was in the car going home again. we get home I check on Raelynn before I fell asleep in our bed.

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