Chapter 4.

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Journey POV.
its October 7. 2020. we're going to Mackay's mansion. I was putting Raelynn to bed. when River walk in and said"good night sweetheart." she smile and said"good night Mama and Daddy. I love y'all." I smile and said"night Baby girl I love you too." I kiss her forehead and was in the hall when River said"I love you too baby." I hear Raelynn said"Daddy why are you and Mama ain't together." River said"well I'm working on that sweetie don't worry baby." I saw Raelynn smile and nod. I get in the car and then Nik said"Journey what are you going to be for Halloween." I said"I'm not dressing up I'll just take Raelynn alone like last year." Ryan said"come on Journey spent Halloween with us." I laugh and said"no thanks the last party I went to I got pregnant and the next time I get pregnant I'll be with the Daddy and hopefully he will take Raelynn too." River said"what about the guy who you was in love with." I said"I don't think he loves me and plus he has more important things to do then be with old me. I'm not that special. that's go try not to get a demon." Ryan said"speech sister." I smile and then we was there. I was taken pictures when River said"we need to talk after we get home." I just nod maybe I be able to stay up. I hear a gowl. we heard footsteps. Ryan start with a app. River felt his chain get pick up. k2 just went off. we hear a Hey. sound like some one sat down beside Ryan. the camera turn off. Ryan and Wyatt went up stairs. then we all was up here. people was talking outside. after it said Devil Ryan got an Amber Alert. then Wyatt said he caught some thing on his camera. then Ryan saw a face in the mirror down stairs. we hear some thing down stairs. people was talking again outside. we went down stairs and saw the mirror has finger prints. then the guys are at a table. I'm on a chair out of view. but River could as they were setting up I hear Wyatt said"why are you staring at my baby sister like that." River said"because she is beautiful young woman." I blush as I went back reading my romantic book. Nik said"Journey why are you reading when you could have the real thing." I laugh and said"who you." he smirked and wink he said"any time you want I'm there." I just giggle but before I went back reading I saw River hit Nik and said some thing. then they start. k2 went off. Nik cut off the app. we hear footsteps. Ryan cut it on. we heard another gowl. the app is off but its working Ryan turn his phone off. then on and it working again. we Wyatt and River is in the house. Nik and Ryan went outside. some one was messing with the light. then River said he felt like some one just touch his dick. I giggle as the other guys come in. Ryan is in the vault and doing the spirit box and spirit rods. Ryan said"inside." he said Mackay. k2 going off. we heard footsteps. Ryan was done he was in pain but its gone. Wyatt saw a shadow in window. now we're going upstairs. we're in Mr Mackay's room. then we went in to a different room. we heard a knock. k2 going crazy as Nik has it. Ryan and River went in a kid room and Nik was in the same room with Wyatt. now Ryan has the spirit box going beside the door to the attic. with the spirit rods. we hear footsteps. we hear thumping. Ryan knock on the attic door. then we heard thumping. then a voice. Ryan got scared of one of the guys shadows. then we heard a gowl. k2 went off. so its 3 am and we went back down stairs. they were saying good bye and we are outside in the gazebo. we hear footsteps. the gazebo shakes. footsteps again. they ended there. we got in the car and went home. I check on Raelynn then went to the kitchen to get some tea. River said"Hey." I nod. he said"Journey I remember the first time I saw you with Wyatt. I have always thought I had enough time to work up to talk to you but I never did then I saw the party that the guy who didn't know who he was talking to a special young woman who has been the one I always wanted but then he was trying to get you away from my sight so he could do what he wanted but I couldn't see you go off with some one who wasn't me plus you was really drunk and I took you upstairs and I'm sorry for doing it when you was drunk but we have a beautiful daughter from this and please just think about us being together."  I Stand there looking at him. I said"I don't know if I want to kiss you or kick your ass." he said"you can do which you want." I blush as I said"will you, um could you, Fuck just kiss me." River smile and pulled me close and kiss me. I was in heaven but then Nik walk in and said"damn get it River." I giggle as I hide my face in his chest. River said"thanks man. do you think you can handle the couch." he nods and said"don't break your bed." I look up and said"I'm not doing any thing until I'm ready hope you know." River said"I know I just want to hold you." I smile as we went to sleep.

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