Chapter 8.

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Journey POV.
I got the best Christmas and new year gift. I'm getting married but nobody knows but Ryan and Nik I haven't told Wyatt yet and that is River's job. he said he was so that's fine out. its February. we're at the Devil's basement. k2 went off first thing. Nik also has a k2. we hear distant knock on metal. footsteps above us. Ryan's k2 went off. then Nik had Ryan's k2 went off. Ryan set up the new Rempod. we heard a voice. rempod went off like crazy. the guys hear whistling or singing. loud slam. distant footsteps. metal banging. Nik k2 went off. Nik hears distant footsteps. k2 going off and Rempod went off. we heard a thump. metal bang. knock as we went deeper in to the basement. rempod went off. k2 going off. music box going off. we heard a knock. music box going off. k2 going off. both k2 going crazy. music box going off. rempod going crazy then music box going off. footsteps above us. music box going off. app said can you help. as Ryan was moving the music box. River hears a voice. app said crime, no its not. rempod went off. k2 went off. we heard knocking. then more knocking. app said forward. Ryan heard a laugh. k2 went off then we heard creaking. stairs creaking. then there was knocking. app said mirror. then a knock. app said were gathering, trust me. then there was thumping. app said chair. k2 went off. Ryan was going to sit in a room when there was a loud slam. then he was in the chair in the room and the app said River. flight light on. then k2 going crazy and the app said your name. then Nik feels like some one touched his neck. app said Sue. flight light off then came on. then off again. app said Robinson. then flight light on. k2 going crazy. then there was a knock in side the room Ryan is in. then a voice. flight light off and the app said suffer. I heard some one say inflict harm. k2 went off and flight light on. app said others. then I heard yes its true. app said excellent. then there was a loud bang and then sounds like glass breaking. Ryan run out of the little room. flight light is on and k2 went off. then slam. app said bored. we found what broke it was a light bulb. app said you heard us. then we come back flight light is off. Ryan went in to get it and the app said here. he ran out again. then loud slam. Ryan just yell he saw some one. app said visitor, its me. then we heard footsteps. app said die. rempod went off. then we went upstairs to calm down and to take a little break. as we did I was looking at wedding rings when Wyatt said"why are you looking for wedding rings. Journey are you with some one and didn't tell me." I said"I'm sorry Wyatt but he was planning on talking to you but its been a crazy week. are you mad at me." he smile and said"at you never but at him who is he." I look at River and said"you know him well." Wyatt look at the guys and said"what. Ryan do know." Ryan said no. Wyatt said"Nik do you." Nik said no. Wyatt look at River and said"River do you know who is with my baby sister." River nod. Wyatt said"who." River said"me. I'm going to marry Journey." Wyatt said"well I'll be damned." I said"so let's go back down stairs hmm." Wyatt said"yes let's go back." we were back down. app said over there, attachment, boy, children here. rempod going crazy. app said stroke. rempod still going off. app said creature. rempod going crazy as the app said don't provoke us. rempod went off then the app said some times. then a knock was heard. rempod went off. footsteps then running footsteps. Nik shut and lock the room Ryan was in. there was a knock. there was stepping. the app said locked. then app said get out. then River hears three knocks. flight light on. app said respectful. then we pack up and went home. then Wyatt said"I'm happy to know you found a good one but I'm still your older brother and I have to protect you I didn't in the past but I'm getting better at it. please just think if this is what you want before you go down that road." I smile and said"I know Wyatt and its okay plus I'm happy I'm getting my happy ever after and I'm not giving up without a fight." Wyatt said"good I'm glad. you pick a good one." I just laughed as Nik came running in grab me and ran from River and Wyatt. I will always love my boys.

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