Behind The Enemy Lines

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"It's time, only twenty more minutes to reach North Korea," Light reported to the communication room.

"So, it's my time to shine" came X's reply.

Before X began his work, he requested a servant to bring him 10 cup noodles and a flask of hot water. Then he sat down with his legs crossed and placed above the chair.

'That explains why the chair has a big seat space,' Ayanakouji and Yuuichi shared the same thought for a moment.

However, right as X was about to begin his hacking work, he looked troubled and turned his chair towards Ayanakouji. "Ayakubaku, I don't remember how to do hacking, The water must have really washed away my brain, what should I do now?"

Ayanakouji, knowing that correcting X's 'name problems' would be a waste of time, refused to correct him this time. Instead, he stood up, placed his hands on X's forehead, and started reciting something. After a few moments, he withdrew his hands and said, "I've reversed the curse, Now you'll regain your knowledge." He then looked at Yuuichi and asked, "Isn't that right, Yuuichi?"

Even though Ayanakouji's face was unreadable, Yuuichi read Ayanakouji's intentions and replied, "Yes, that's right. You don't need to worry anymore."

After hearing Yuuichi, X jumped up from his chair, exclaiming, "My brain is back!!! Ayakusaki, you saved me again!!!"

Yuuichi couldn't help but notice X's ongoing struggle with names and his overall immaturity. He needed answers as to why X had been chosen for this crucial mission.

Once X's issue with his memory was resolved, there was a knock on the door, and two servants entered. One carried a pack of 10-cup noodles, while the other held a flask of hot water.

"X, would you like us to prepare a cup of noodles now?" one of the servants asked.

"Yes, please. Thank you," X replied.

The servants placed the packet of noodles and the flask on a small table in the corner of the room. One of them opened a cup, leaving the top layer partially attached, while the other poured hot water into it.

After the right amount of water was added, they sealed the cup with the top layer.

While waiting for five minutes for the noodles to cook, X sat down in his unique style. He removed his eye patch and placed it near the keyboard. Then, he ruffled his combed hair into the old style, covering half of his face.

Five minutes later, the noodles were ready. The servants took a fork that came along with the noodles and placed it inside the cup. They then gave it to the waiting X, who hadn't started his work yet.

With gratitude, X said, "Thank you," in a mature tone. He placed the cup of prepared noodles in the middle of his crossed legs, all set to begin his work.

Ayanakouji and Yuuichi couldn't help but notice that X's appearance had shifted back to his twenties look again.

While X was busy for a few minutes typing, Yuuichi pressed a switch that allowed him to communicate with all the jets. "Everyone place your jet in a new formation. The eight jets other than the ground squad and their drone operator jets should be five minutes delayed, and the jet that handles drones should stay right there, air park and start their work."

It was only 10 more minutes for the ground squad's jet to reach. As per X's plan, he then gave his first order to Ayanakouji. Ayanakouji communicated through a private channel, and his voice was heard only in our (Groundsquad) jet, "Light, we need you to report just three minutes before you enter the country."

Although they were entering through a blind spot, hidden from the soldiers, North Korea's technology could detect any unknown jet entering their airspace.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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