Spy x Masterminds

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After a span of 12 hours, they both woke up on the other side of the portal, finding themselves lying on the cold, hard floor of an abandoned building Yuuichi groaned, voicing his discomfort. "Sleeping on the floor of a building, this is a special kind of torture."

Ayanakouji, standing up and brushing dust from his clothes, stayed silent for a moment. Then, he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, perhaps a small map. "Just a short 120 meters from here, and we shall reach our destination."

Yuuichi, still a bit weary, replied, "I may be tired, but I can still manage a stroll. Let's proceed."

Ayanakouji looked around cautiously and spoke with a serious tone, "Before we go, there's something I need to discuss in private. Unlike the mansion, this area is camera-free."

Yuuichi, being friendly, nodded. "I see, that must be the reason for you to accompany me. Anyway, go ahead."

Ayanakouji got straight to the point, his voice serious. "How did you know that I was holding back? And why are you trying to reveal my qualities?"

Yuuichi played it cool. "Me? I didn't even try anything like that."

Ayanakouji wasn't buying it. "Quit playing dumb, Yuuichi. We both know what we're talking about. You really thought I would believe that a brain like yours would make weak moves in a game of chess?"

Yuuichi, without admitting anything, countered, "What are you talking about? A brain like mine?"

Ayanakouji let out a sigh."You see, a volleyball won't charge sideways for more than 30 meters unless it is intentional. And I believe it was the work of your brain."

Yuuichi, with an odd smile, asked, "Well, then, mind explaining my fault here."

Ayanakouji, still devoid of emotion, said to himself, 'So, you've decided to make me explain before admitting anything yourself. How pathetic...'

Then he started to voice his explanation
"After you dealt with that kid on the beach, you went for a stroll. I believe that was the time when you planted this all... Due to my suspicion, I asked Kisaki if he had seen you on the beach without me. Kisaki mentioned that he saw you talking to Chris during their timeout. When I inquired about who shot the ball towards our direction, Kisaki said it was Chris and to top it all you were the one who distracted me from the ball. I believe these are too much to be a coincidence."

Yuuichi, in a friendly tone, admitted, "Okay, I admit that I'm the one. I just wanted to see your muscles in action." Then, with an unusual grin, he continued, "Now, can you please answer me this: Why were you suspicious of me?"

Ayanakouji sighed. "You see, the friendly character mask you usually wear wouldn't leave me behind when the big guy arrived, but all you did was watch me, and I believe that was your true self, You are just like a two-face girl I know (Kushida)."

Yuuichi thought to himself, 'This guy is so much fun. I was the one trying to reveal his true self, and now he's the one uncovering my true self with the plans I set.' He then spoke aloud with a friendly tone, "My, my... You have impressed me. Anyway, I believe we have to head towards the spy's house?"

Ayanakouji replied with a simple "hmmm," indicating his agreement. With their understanding deepened and their mission clear, the duo proceeded on their journey,

As they continued their walk, Yuuichi's curiosity got the best of him, and he couldn't resist asking about the spy's details. Ayanakouji reached into his pocket, retrieved another piece of paper, quickly checked it, and then began to share what he knew.

"His code name is Twilight, but around here, he's known as Loid Forger. He has a family, a wife, and a child. The unique thing about his child is that she has a supernatural ability, the power to read minds."

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