★ Chapter - 15

219 24 14

( not edited or proof read )

Ram went downstairs to see if she was somewhere there but when he couldn't find her there, he came back upstairs with a tensed face.

"Is she there, Ram garu?",Sri asked worriedly.

Ram nodded his head as no which made Sri worry more and more.

"Should we wake up athayagaru and mamayyagaru?",Sri asked.

"No, don't! I'll check the surroundings and come. You just stay home, I know you want to come along as well but we can't leave Aadhu alone in home and waking up amma and nanna and handling her to them and then going will make it more late. So, please ammadi stay back. I promise, I'll be back soon",he said and kissed her forehead giving her a faint smile.

"Please be safe, Ram garu and wait your phone it's with you right? Call me if you find something just keep me updated please?",she said to which he nodded.

Ram went from there while, Sri Devi got back to her room and sat beside Aadhira who was sleeping peacfully.

No matter what Ishu did, Sri was getting worried for a girl who was missing from home at midnight. After reading various news everyday regarding such things it made her even more worried.

An hour passed and there was no text or call from Ram, Sri was getting anxious now. Just when she was about to call him, he called her quickly without wasting a second.

"Ram garu, did you find her? Is she okay?",Sri asked.

"No Sri, I searched everywhere and her phone it's switched off. I somehow feel she is playing with us just to make us feel guilty and to-",before Ram could continue saying more Sri cut him off.

"Ram garu, why do you say things like that? What if she is in some trouble? Her parents trusted us and sent to our home, now what are we going to answer them?",Sri asked to which Ram stayed silent.

"Shall we file a missing complaint then?",he asked.

Sri thought for a while.

"Let me check her room once, Ram garu. Then we will see if to give a complaint or not",Sri said.

"Alright",Ram replied.

Sri went to Ishu's room to look if she left some letter or atleast something but failed to find anything. She called back Ram.

"I think we should file a missing complaint, Ram garu",she said and Ram sighed.

"I will go to the police station and come back. I hope she is fine",he said and cut the call.

After around two and half hours, Ram came back home and Sri rushed to give him some water while he settled down on the couch.

"Did they take the complaint?",Sri asked.

"Yeah, they did. I called one of my classmates from the department when they refused to take the case and they finally took the case",he said and took a sip of water.

The whole night they stayed up. Even when Ram forced Sri to sleep for sometime thinking about her health, she refused to do it. She said him she can't sleep peacefully when a girl is out there who could possibly be in danger.

The night passed and a bright day was welcoming with the sounds of chirping birds and the sun peeping in.

Every few seconds, Sri was looking at the door hoping that Ishu would walk in some time safe and sound.

Shyamala was the first one to wake up, she came into the living room to find Ram sitting on the couch while his foot were being tapped on the floor continuously whereas the tea which was kept on stove was all over it even when Sri was just in front of it.

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