For now, Alayna was stuck in a bit of a waiting game. Waiting to hear what Sebastian's plan was and waiting to hear from Lodgok about his attempt to speak with Ranrok. So when she received a note from Deek a few days later asking for her to meet him in the Room of Requirement, she was excited for something different to do besides go to class and working on homework.

She spent a good chunk of time in the Room of Requirement when she wanted some time away from Imelda and Johanna or when being around others in general was getting to be too much. It was quiet and peaceful in the Room, she'd even taken one or two naps in there.

"Deek?" she called out as she entered the Room. Even in the moonlit space, her plants were growing quite well she noticed as she walked past them. Alayna ran a hand over one of the leaves of a nearby plant just as Deek popped out from a screened off corner of the Room. She'd wanted to give him his own space too since he was helping her out so much. He had insisted it wasn't necessary, but she'd made it anyways and once it was complete Deek had relented.

"Ah, hello Alayna," Deek smiled. He was carrying that same bag she had first seen him with. The one that looked like a doctor's traveling bag.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Alayna asked.

"Deek wondered if you would be interested in helping magical creatures? Deek found something that might be useful in protecting them."

"Really? We could protect them from the poachers? Absolutely, but how?" Alayna had been wondering if there was anything she could do to help beat back the poachers more than she already was. Fighting against Rookwood's men because of the ancient magic was one thing, but all she could do was release any creatures they had captured back into the wild where they could be captured again.

"With this!" Deek presented the bag he was carrying. "Deek calls it the nabsack. It has an enchantment that Deek thinks you can use to capture magical creatures and keep them safe."

"And just keep them in the bag? That seems a little cruel," Alayna replied.

"Deek thought the Room might be of use."

"Keep them here? I suppose it would keep them safe...alright. Shall we go looking for some test subjects?"

"Yes! Deek knows of at least two places nearby where magical creatures can be found."

"Lead the way," Alayna smiled and gestured for the house elf to guide her to the first location. They had to leave Hogwarts grounds, but not too far before Deek was motioning for her to keep quiet. Hidden amongst a bit of small hills was a den of puffskeins. Several of the furballs in varying colors were hanging around.

"Poppy would love this," Alayna muttered. Deek offered her the nabsack as he called it. "What do I do?"

"Simply aim at the creature and open it. The nabsack will vacuum them in safely." Alayna nodded and began sneaking up on the puffskeins. She hoped they wouldn't be too frightened as she was only trying to help after all. They would take them back to the Room of Requirement to stay safe until the poacher problem could be dealt with. If it was.

"Gotcha!" Alayna shouted as she opened the bag towards a brown puffskein, which try as it might to escape the powerful vacuuming enchantment the nabsack had, it was eventually sucked inside. The others had scampered off to hide in the process, but at least she had one. It was only a test after all. She would need to determine living arrangements and getting supplies for the creatures too.

"Well done! Deek knows of a mooncalf den up near the large tree on the hill there. Of course, you'll have to wait until dark for them to come out," Deek told her.

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