One: Researching Was Always The First-

Start from the beginning

I was soon allowed to walk through, working on avoiding the few people I saw, so I wouldn't be stopped and lose the few ideas in my mind for other bits in my essay.

I sat down at the bench at the bus stop and pulled out my notebook, making note of ideas for my essay and things I had been thinking of changing.

I'm very forgetful, and usually, if I don't write something down, I'll forget it easily.

I felt someone poke my shin, and I looked over to see a little girl looking at me with a smile on her face.

"What's your name?" She asked in a small whisper.

"Ryla. What's your's?"

"Melanie. Look at the flowers someone gave me." I looked in the direction she was pointing and saw a bouquet of daisies laying on one of the seats.

"Those are beautiful. I bet someone got them for you to match your beauty, but I think you best the flowers by a little bit. Maybe they are your's." I gave her a small smile, and I saw a flash of a half smile before she skipped away, grabbing the flowers and disappearing into the crowd of New Yorkers on the subway.

I thought about what had just happened, the cute little girl so excited about her flowers. I strained to hear the broadcast over the train that we were about to be at the next stop, my stop, in the muffled and grumbly voice of the conductor.

Such a great person! Note the sarcasm.

I trekked to my apartment complex and leaned against the front desk as I waited for the owner's son to get off work. We usually eat lunch together on Sunday's when I stay up here, but Tally doesn't know that.

"Hey Ry, meet me there. Order what you know I like." Lucas passed me as he traded off with the next worker, and I went to the in-hotel diner which is owned by a family who lives nearby.

I sat down at a three-seater and waited for a waitress. Ashley usually has this zone, but I'm pretty sure she's off on her cruise already. I may be wrong though.

After I had ordered, Lucas slumped in the seat in front of me with a small smile on his face. "Today was not a good day, but thank you for brightening it." I grinned back and shook my head at his cheesiness. Lucas had always been one to make someone's day better when he could.

"I'm everyone's ray of sunshine." I joked, sitting up straight and dropping my bag to the floor by my feet. "As long as they notice me."

"You just do what you do best."

"Like Tigger?"

He chuckled at my comeback and nodded, shaking his head as he looked down at his lap, "like Tigger, Ryla."

After a moment of silence, I spoke with a smirk on my face. "If I wasn't your girl, would you tell me?" I knew he got my question because he rested his chin on his palm and stroked his stubble slightly.

"Promise not to tell?" He whispered, his eyes gleaming.

"Of course." We interlocked pinkies for a few seconds before he looked around us and locked eyes with me again, shaking our hands slightly to create some tension.


"Did your nose just get bigger?" I asked, leaning forward as I hoped he was lying. I took my pinkie away, scrunching my nose and sticking my tongue out slightly to see if his nose was bigger than the last time I saw him.

"No. I got Libby. Why? Is that a bad thing?" With his circle sunglasses hanging where his shirt met in the middle, it always made it harder for me to take him serious, but I saw it in the way he acted right now. He was speaking the truth.

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