"Oh dam, I never thought about it like that. You're amazing,"

"Thanks," she blushed.

"I have to tell you that you are beautiful and your smile just brightened my day."

"Thank you," Miranda blushed a shy smile, pulling into the corner of her lips. "That was real sweet of you to say,"

"You mind if I flirt with you a little bit,"

Miranda's heart was beating fast, " I mean, you can try," she voiced slyly.

During gym class, Miranda found out that Sean was in the orchestra and played the cello. He also loved soccer and science fiction. They spent the whole class period talking and learning about one another.

That after noon, Miranda walked out of her last class.

"Hey," Ben greeted.


"You riding home with me?" Ben asked. It was late November now. He knew it was just about cold outside.

"I drove today, I have debate club practice," she smiled widely.

"What are you smiling about?" He questioned curiously as his eyebrow raised.

"There's this new guy to the school, and he's in my class. He's handsome." She told Ben.

Ben rolled his eyes. That was one thing about having a girl best friend. You're subject to girl talk.

"He plays soccer, he called me beautiful and he also plays the cello."

"Wait, what? He called you what?"Ben zone into her words. His expression tightened, and a hint of jealousy flickered in his eyes.

"He told me that I was beautiful and my smile made his day. He was also flirting. He's sweet." She responded.

Ben's grip on his backpack strap tightened, his voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness "Hmmm I wonder what he wants from you,"

Miranda, oblivious to Ben's underlying jealousy, was actually offended.
"He has to want something from me in order for him to call me beautiful?" Miranda  scuffed. "It couldn't just be because I actually am, and he noticed that?"

"No, of course not he can truly think that. I just found it odd that on his first day at the school, he said all that to you."

"You're digging a hole you won't be able to get out of in a minute. It's his first day, and he's bold enough to tell me that, and it's nothing wrong with that. It's like you are looking for a reason for him not to mean it. I can be attractive even if it's not to you. You don't see me like that, but others do you ass." Miranda gritted, shoving him as she walked away.

"Miranda, wait. I'm not saying that you are not beautiful. I would never say that. You are one of the most beautiful girls ever. I mean that with everything. I'm just trying to look out for you. We can't forget about situations like Marcus King need I remind you."

Miranda rolled her eyes. She hated when he mentioned Marcus King. He was taking advantage of her, and Ben was so pissed that he actually punched him and got suspended for five days.

"I'm sorry if I'm leary," he apologized.

"It's fine, I get it," she waved off. " I gotta go before I'm late,"

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow morning,"

Watching her walk away with a mix of conflicting emotions. Ben needed to see who this Sean person was.  He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, realizing that his feelings for Miranda were deeper than he had initially acknowledged.

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