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Okay omw to my softball sports banquet, and I live two minutes from the school, therefore I'm getting this chapter done in peices!

"Where did you come from?" Sam aggressively whispers to Bucky who appeared behind you.

Bucky rolls his eyes, ignoring Sam's comment and looking ahead to the thee visible soldiers loading crates into semi trucks.

"Come on." Says Bucky from next to you. "There's only 3 of them, we can take them."

Sam scoffs. "Wait." He begins to scan area with his goggles before smirking triumphantly. "I count seven."

"Shut it, bird brain." Bucky snaps back, and you groan, now physically caught in the middle of the bickering.

"Stop it!" You whisper harshly at the two of them. "Focus."

"I am focused!" Bucky fires back, flailing his arms. He elbows a metal crate, causing it to fall over and create a clattering sound.

The three of you swiftly duck out of sight, peering forward. "They're leaving!" Bucky says, sprinting forward in pursuit.

You groan, about to call him back but shake your head, following him.

Before you could properly register what was going on, your on top of the semi-trucks, in hand to hand combat with overly-strong kids.

Ducking swiftly, you drive your black handled knife towards the calf of the person you were fighting, only for it to be knocked down harshly.

Scrambling to reach your knife, you summersault forward, finally wrapping your fingers around the handle and sending it right back into your holster.

Suddenly, the loud whir of a helicopter filled your ears, and a familiar face dropped onto the top of the semi-truck you were on.

"Fuck." You curse under your breath.

He nods in Sam and your directions, then begins fighting along side his partner, who'd you never seen before.

"John Walker. Captain America. Seems like you could use some help."  He says, throwing his shield forward.

Bucky scowls as he subconsciously catches the shield and throws it back to him. "We're fine!" Says Bucky harshly, obviously more aggravated with John's presence.

"Bucky!" You yell, watching Bucky tumble off the side of the semi, holding on by the wheel.

Just then, Sam comes in, flying Bucky out from underneath the semi and rolling into the fields.

You earn a confused look from John and his partner, but quickly shoot him a smirk, saluting cockily and jumping off yourself.

Rolling into the feilds, a few yards away from Bucky and Sam, you let out a little giggle. No matter how non-graceful it looked, it was enjoyable and fun.

You looked over to Sam, who was on top of Bucky, glaring coldly. As you approached, you couldn't suppress the fit of laughter that racked your body at the sight of their bickering.

"Awww you guys! Bucky are you cheating?" You tease, moving Sam off Bucky with a slight push of your toe, and helping your boyfriend to his feet.

"That isn't funny, Yn." Says Bucky, grumbling from annoyance.

"You love me."

"Let's just go." Sam says suddenly.

You nod, walking between Bucky and Sam, preparing for the long walk ahead.


"No!" You say loudly, glaring at Sam.

"It's true!" Says Sam, throwing his hands up in surrender, ignoring Bucky who was unsuccessfully trying to hide his giggles. "The blue sour patch kids are ten times better than the green ones!"

"Nope." You say, crossing your arms. "Green is-"

Your interrupted by the growl of a open-roof truck. Turning your head, you see John Walker and his sidekick, sitting pretty in the car. You grumbled at the sight.

"Hey!" John calls, his cheery smile making your stomach churn. "Need a ride?"

You keep looking forward, as do Bucky and Sam as you make your way past the now stopped vehicle. "We're good." You spit.

"Come on!" He pleads. "It's a 13 mile walk to the airport."

Bucky looked at Sam, who looks at you, who was looking at Bucky. Sam sighed, and the two began staring at you.

You stopped, as did the other two, and huffed in annoyance. "Really? Your making me-" Your groan dramatically, flailing your arms and walking towards the vehicle. "FINE."

You climb into the vehicle, shaking off Johns affectionate hand as he tried to help you up. 'I got it' you mutter.

He just smirks, pulling away and earning deadly glares from your boyfriend and brother-figure.

Rattling with the bumpy roads, you stare awkwardly back at John, who has his eyes only fixated on you. Bucky, however, was glaring at John.

"Uhm I'm Lemar. John's partner, BattleStar." Says the stranger, earning a silent nod from Sam.

"Does he always stare?" Asks John, his gaze flitting to Bucky.

"You get used to it." Says Sam harshly. "Especially when it's his girl."

"Oh." John says, silently mulling over the information he had just learned himself.

Your tired eyes bore into the shield sat at John's feet, and everything seemed to melt away, the bickering voices filled with hatred drowned in your anxiety, becoming muffled.

That doesn't belong to you. You thought bitterly.

"Miss, your pretty eyes haven't moved from my shield since you got in here. Something troubling you, or you just like it?" He smirked, cocking an eyebrow confidently.

Your pretty sure you heard Bucky growl, and you knew for sure Sam let out a low chuckle accompanied by a scoff. And to be honest, you almost punched him right then and there.

"Neither." You say through a clenched jaw.

Bucky grit his teeth, holding back his temper as he narrowed his gaze in John's direction. You coughed awkwardly, scooting closer to Sam. You regretted not sitting in the middle of the two.

"Well I know these two. Are you an Avenger too?" John asks.

Despite the urge to kick him in the face, laugh and run away, you nod. "Yn Rogers. I don't really have a kick-ass super hero name."

John's jaw drops slightly, but he quickly shuts it. "Rogers? As in..."

"Your holding my twin brothers shield there, John." You say with poison in your words.

"That wasn't expected..." Lamar mutters from beside John, averting his gaze to the two beside you, and all he receives is the blank stare with hate in its depths.

John nods slowly, turning back to Bucky and Sam. "Look we should work together..."

You look at Bucky, who has his jaw clenched and his stare holding. "No." He says through grit teeth.

"Come on..." John says, turning back to you. "What does this pretty thing think?"

Sam let's out a loud scoff, and Bucky's eyes widen in rage.


Well, I published a chapter! Whoop! Off to another...? Maybe?

Isolated // A Yn Rogers x Bucky Barnes Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now