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A loud rap on your door causes you to bolt up right in bed, glaring at the door. You knew it was Steve.

Glancing at the clock, you scowled. You wanted sleep. But you couldn't sleep while Bucky was out there, not while he probably wasn't sleeping, but getting tortured and trained. Not while-

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Steve! I'm UP!"

He heard a groan. "Okay. We're having a team dinner at the compound."

You sprung from your bed, opening the door to find Steve standing there impatiently in jeans and a white T-shirt. "Why?!" You huff.

"I don't know!" Steve says defensively. "Tony says we need a break or something. Thanksgiving or whatever."

You roll your eyes dramatically. "He's right but how come I can't sit at home instead?"

Steve shrugs before leaving you standing in your doorway. You let out a big sigh before closing your door and getting ready.

"Dress nice PLEASE!" Steve calls from the kitchen.


"YN!" He responds sternly.


You shuffle through your closet and find your favorite pair of jeans and a top you didn't even know you had. Glancing around, you spot your favorite hoodie hanging from your dresser and quickly bring it along.

Looking in the mirror you admire the top you found. It had black and white flowers dotted around the entire thing. It's neck was low, and it had straps reaching over your shoulder, and the hem being cut off just before your jeans.

Rushing out of your room, you find Steve waiting impatiently. "Let me." He says reaching for your hoodie. "We're gonna walk."

Steve grabs your hoodie and you nod, following him out the door.

Walking down the sidewalk you chat with Steve, ignoring your tiredness. "Steve!" You laugh loudly as Steve mocks Tony.

"What? He sounds like that!" He counters.

You giggle. "No he does not!"

Steve snorts. "Does too!"

"I'm not starting this with y-"

You suddenly whip your head around to see a black corvette cruising slowly down the street, coming close to a stop, when two boys, looking about 20 and 23, roll down their windows. "Hey there." The driver says.

The one in the passenger seat whistles. "Damn baby."

Steve's nostrils flare with anger as he shoots them a menacing glare and steps in front of you. "Buzz off." He demands, clenching his fists.

The driver smirks. "Whatever you say big guy." He looks You up and down and winks. "Call me, and I'll show you that top'll look better on the floor."

At that, he speeds off.

You look at the sidewalk, avoiding eye contact with Steve before you snatch your hoodie from his arms and pull it over your head.

"Yn, don't listen to them they-"

You nod and grab his hand pulling him forward. "I know I know."

Steve casts you a worried glance before allowing you to pull him by the hand all the way to the compound.


"There's my favorite Rogers!" Tony says, giving you a friendly hug.

Steve scoffs and shows himself to the living room to join the others.

Tony looks at you, it seemed like he was reading you. "What's the problem, Little Rogers?"

You rub the back of your neck nervously. "Nothing?" You say hesitantly.

He snorts. "Tell me."

"I was catcalled on the way hear is all. They wouldn't stop running their mouths. Not a big deal." You say, finally giving in.

Tony rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry. Those idiots prolly can't pull any girls anyways. Let alone you."

You smile sheepishly. "Thanks I guess."

He nodded leading you the dining room were everyone sat chatting around the different foods set out.

You sat down next to Steve and Tony.

"Can we eat yet?" A new voice chimes. You see a darker, tall man with brown eyes sat in front of you, smiling kindly. "Hey, Sam Wilson. Falcon."

"Yn Rogers...I don't really have a super hero name." You chuckle, slightly embarrassed.

He gasps dramatically. "No.Way! We gotta fix that."

Tony groans as he begins passing food around the table. "Yeah yeah let's eat."

Everyone starts passing the food around loading their plates. You served yourself and began eating in silence while listening to everyone's conversation.

"How's Laura?" Nat asked, looking to Clint.

Clint nodded, chewing his food. "She's good." He said through a mouth full of mashed potatoes. "The kids are excited about the baby."

"So 3 kids huh?" Tony chimes.

Clint nods, taking a bite of his turkey. You do the same, looking at Nat who is staring you down.

"Uhmm Nat?" You say hesitantly, the others still engaged in a separate conversation.

She tilts her head. "You look tense. Something happen?" Her voice is low and just above a whisper.

You nod. "I'll save that story for later."

After everyone had cleaned up, you all sat in the lounge, drinks in hand. Tony raised his glass. "Happy Thanksgiving!" He said cheerfully, taking a swig of his drink and refilling it quickly.

You where just about to raise your glass when a loud shatter filled your ears as the window behind you smashed to pieces.

You turned rapidly, prepared to fight, as did everyone else, and where met with cold, grey eyes, little specs of blue floating around the pupils subtly. The Winter Soldier.

He didn't wear his mask, as you assumed Hydra knew you knew of his existence. You noticed Tony from the corner of your eye power something in his suit. He quickly held his glove hand out as it formed into a large blaster gun.

Turning your attention back to the Winter Soldier, who now advanced towards the rest of you, you noticed he was...alone?

You advanced, instantly needing to block a punch with from his non-metal arm, and yet struggled. Letting out a groan, you duck and let his hand go, Nat flying over your shoulder to take a hit at his face.

"Bucky PLEASE!" You pleaded, ducking a kick. You couldn't stand fight him. Not when you could see his face. His eyes.

"Yn! DUCK!" You heard Tony yell as you turned wildly, ducking as you did so, as he sent a large blast over your head, nailing the Winter Soldier in the chest.

The Winter Soldier instantly fell to his knees, writhing in pain as electric currents flowed from the device stuck to his chest, throughout his body. Nat hurriedly rushed to him and brought her knee to his face, knocking him out cold.

"Bucky?" You whispered, staring at the unconscious slump of a human on the ground as your stomach flipped in knots.

Nat wiped her hands and stood over him. "Maybe that'll do the trick. Cognitive Recalibration."

Thank you for reading I hoped you enjoyed!

Isolated // A Yn Rogers x Bucky Barnes Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now