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Helllooooo! I'm back! I'm not staying up this time, it's actually the afternoon! Whoop whoop! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll try and make it...not suck. Xoxo

"Loki!" You greeted, walking into the kitchen, holding Bucky's hand, to see Loki cooking a large breakfast.

Loki's powers were spewed about, different areas of the kitchen moving to make food. "Good morning, darling."

Bucky cocked an eyebrow at the nickname, but brushed it off as you pulled him into the kitchen, quickly ducking under a plate that floated about. "Whatcha makin?" You chimed, sitting down at the island, Bucky doing the same in an uncomfortable silence.

"Plenty." Loki deadpanned.

You nod, turning your attention to your boyfriend. "So what are we doing today? You've been home for three weeks, and we haven't even left for anything but food!"

Bucky tilted his head. "I...uhm I don't know."

You frowned, but quickly replaced it with a smile. "I'll surprise you then." You conclude, not wanting to pressure him. You had been trying to keep him comfortable, but he was still jumpy. On edge. He had nightmares every night, when you only had the occasional one, loud sounds made his heart race, and he was quiet most of the time.

He nodded, squeezing your hand, not really for you, but for him, in an attempt the anxiety that curled in his stomach.


Bucky's Pov

Yn pulled me theough the busy streets, chattering people and the buzz of cars filling my ears.

I curled my fingers, gripping her hand.

She looked back, a gorgeous smile on her lips as she turned suddenly, pulling me into a small cafe.

I recognize this cafe.

"Look familiar?" She asked as if she knew my thoughts. I nodded, a wave of familiarity and comfort washing over me, as I read the small sign dangling above the door.

Darren's Corner Cafe - Established 1914

I smiled. Yn seemed to notice, as her face lit up with joy as she led me to a booth. "This is the one we always sat at when we had muffins and milk when I was sad." She muttered softly, her eyes glossy. "Remember?"

"Of course I do..." I sat down, Yn sitting across from me.

She smiled, shoving aside the menus. "Muffins and Milk?" She asked.

I nodded, carefully observing her face. She was happy. Excited. I loved to see her so joyful.

God she's beautiful. She's perfect.

The waiter greeted us kindly, as Yn ordered our usual, a blueberry muffin for her, a chocolate drizzled muffin for me, and two glasses of milk. The waiter nodded, giving us a quick, unusual glance, before heading off to get our orders.

Her bright smile shined at me, lighting up the room and she excitedly began talking away. I used to talk plenty, but something felt different. Yn on the other hand, seemed to be the same. Steve had told me briefly about her getting in certain slumps, and sometimes they even came at random.

Steve also told me she had gone to a few therapy sessions before she got busy with Avengers stuff.

"She's..." Steve started before trailing off, in response to the question Bucky had asked. He asked how Yn had changed since they had last seen each other.

I waited patiently as he worked up the courage and found the words. "I'll just put it this way...She has Anxiety, Depression and Bipolar disorder. She doesn't struggle as much as she used to...but she still struggles.

I nodded, soaking it in. She seemed so bubbly, and happy. I was scared to see her at her worst, but no matter what, I'd be there.

"Here you go!" The waiter piped, pulling me from my thoughts.

Yn smile grew at the sight of her favorite meal. She glanced at me excitedly, her light blue eyes shimmering in the midday light from the sun pouring through the windows. Her golden blonde hair, pushing brown, shining in the sun.

The waiter rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I'm sorry...but I've got to ask...have I seen you two some where before? You look awfully familiar..."

I causally took a bite of my muffin, as Yn had already dug into hers. "Probably. I'm an Avenger." She said through a mouth full of muffin. "So is he."

The waiters face lit with realization. "Yn Rogers? Bucky Barnes?"

Yn looked at me apologetically before nodding and smiling. "Yep! Nice to meet you." She took a sip of her milk.

"Wow! Did you used to come get back in the forties? It's pretty old and I figured...you know."

I took a big swig of my milk and watched Yn with the waiter.

"Yeah we did! How long have you worked here..." she squinted at the name tag. "Carter?"

"Just a few months."

You nodded, smiling kindly. "Well your service was wonderful, thank you."

The young man nodded. "I'll leave you too enjoy, miss Rogers, Mr. Barnes."

I tried to hide my relief as he walked away, but Yn saw right through me.

"Anti-social much, Buck?" She teased.

I allowed a small grin. "Guess so."

We finished or food and payed the cafe, giving a big tip to the waiter before leaving. I followed Yn around town as she showed me new places and other things like Bowling and shopping.

She even bought me a bag of plums.

Feeling like I hadn't done much to treat her today, I finished the day by buying her the coffee she always orders and some flowers.

Plums in one hand, Yn's hand in the other, we casually strolled into the compound. Everyone had spaced out among the main room, but Yn pried from my grip to ran and hug Steve, who was talking with Thor and Loki.

I felt my stomach knot when she hugged Loki as well. "You look beautiful tonight darling. What's the occasion?"

"I just got back from a date with Bucky!" She said cheerfully, smiling back at me and motioning for me to come over. I shoved my hands into my pockets and joined them on the couch, squeezing between Steve and Yn.

Loki was in Yn's left, and it made me a little uncomfortable, but I shook it off, putting my trust in Yn.

As everyone engaged in casually conversation, all I heard was the flirty remarks Loki kept shooting Yn.

It bugged me, and if it went on any longer, I wasn't going to be quiet about it.

Okayyy guys! Uhm I hope that wasn't bad I couldn't get ideas to flow lol. Xoxo

Isolated // A Yn Rogers x Bucky Barnes Marvel FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora