Well Now You Know (Pt 2)

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(This took me over 10 days, got a little dumb towards the end. And I, with my very little knowledge on romance, could not write a "confession" for the life of me.
Also, probably wouldn't have written this if it wasn't for @Dontaskmewhyididit12 so, thanks.)

 All of the sudden Scar could no longer feel the desert sand beneath him, no longer could he hear his winged partners cries and nonstop apologies. Instead he felt cotton beneath him, and could hear purring. Scar opened his eyes and was welcomed by the site of his bedroom, and Jellie at the bottom of his bed. Feeling her owner shift, she opened her eyes and meowed,asif she was saying hello to the man. Scar smiled, glad to feel back home on hermitcraft. "Well good morning to you to jellie!" he said, reaching out to pet her, feeling her soft fur against his fingertips. She gladly accepted the gesture, rubbing her head against his hand.

"We better get up, we got a lot to do today!" he exclaimed, hopping out of bed.

Scar changed out of his pjs and put on his outfit, looking into the mirror. He kinda liked the fact that he looked like he came straight out of a 1920's film. He was wearing his red waistcoat jacket, a green vest underneath, with gray tailored pants and brown dress shoes and a red top hat with a flashy looking cane to put it all together.

"Bye Jellie!" he yelled out to her, knowing his fluffy companion was most likely now perched on his pillow.

Deciding he was gonna work on the swaggon, he got to work.

It was around noon when he ran out of materials, and while he could get the things he needed himself he saw this as a chance to go to the G-Train and bother Grian, seeing the avian was usually in that area. He also had not heard from grian since 3rd life

As reached the multi-colored train cars he didn't see the avian anywhere nearby, now a little more disappointed he still decided to buy the materials he needed in the first place. Scar had realized his romantic feelings for his dirty blonde friend during third life, but looking back on it they had formed during early season 7.

While Scar was looking through the chests he couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching him. He turned around but didn't see anyone, when he turned back towards the chests he was welcomed by the sight of Grian's face mere inches away.

Scar quickly jumped away trying to hide the reddish tint appearing on his tanned skin. If he were to guess he would say grian also wasn't aware of how close he was to the other, taking a step back with pink cheeks and not sharing eye contact.

"W-well hello there Grian! You startled me!" Scar stuttered out, chuckling. Hoping to ease some of the tension. "Sorry, I was just planning to restock some things when I saw the opportunity to scare you" Scar noticed Grian was a little tense as he was unloading shulkers into the chests with a scowl

Scar never really liked seeing Grian upset, well, he never really liked seeing anyone upset. But Grian especially. He knows from experience that asking him what's wrong would get nowhere, usually getting Grian's mind off of whatever was troubling him and then he might tell you what's bothering him.

And Scar knew just what would work. Hopefully.

"Hey G, if you were a chicken, you'd be "im-peck-able".'

Grian stopped what he was doing and slowly turned his head up towards Scar, looking at him as if he had grown a second head


"If you were a vegetable, you be a cute-cumber" Scar said with a wink

Grian tried to stifle his laughter and keep a straight face. He opened his mouth to reply but Scar quickly spewed out yet another cheesy pick up line before he could do so.

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