Unknowing (Pt 1)

986 36 26

(3rd life)

(This has been edited)

     Scar was currently shirtless, he had spilled milk on his shirt and since it was laundry day he had to wait for his clothes to dry before he could put on another one, and they didn't have any spare ore to make a chestplate. Grian was currently getting some stuff from their mob farm, therefore he wasn't there to yell at Scar to put on a shirt.

He knew Grian would 'order' him to put something on when he came back from his errand, but Scar didn't really care. He actually found it quite comical when his feathers would stick out, and his face would go all red, voice cracking while looking away. Actually now that Scar had a chance to think about it, his wings always did that wh-

Scars thoughts were interrupted when the same pesky bird that lived in his mind rent free walked through the door.

"Hey Scar, I think someone might have messed with the mob far-" Grian's sentence was cut short when he had noticed the lack of clothing covering Scar's torso

The avian sighed, a small reddish tint dusted his cheeks

"Put your clothes back on, Scar" He said looking anywhere that wasn't the red life standing a couple feet away "Well Grian, I would love to but I have no shirt to put on, they're all in the wash. There are also no chest plates" Scar replied with a smug expression, finding some humor in the current situation.

Grian was now looking at Scar, face flushed and wings fluffing out

"Take Mine" He said, taking the piece of armor off his chest, walking up to Scar reaching out for him to take it. But Scar just chuckled and pushed it back to Grian "I'll be fine Gri. I'll make sure to be careful and I won't leave the house until I have a shirt on, ok?" Scar asked, looking at the avian, waiting for a response.

Grian just gave a curt nod, staring at the ground. Scar took notice to how Grian's feathers were still sticking up, and was reminded to what he had been previously thinking about before Grian had showed up

The more he thought about it, the more confused he was. He thought back to all the times when he had forgotten to cover his chest, or when he had said something to complement his friend, Grian and his wings would react the same way.

Grian had gone over to the chest a couple feet away from Scar, seeming as if he was trying to busy himself. Or look for something to make a chest plate, Scar didnt know which.

"Hey Gri, I have a question" He asked "hmmh? What is it?" Grian replied

"Why are your wings fluffed out like that?"

Grian stiffened, obviously not expecting the question. "I-I, uhm. Well - Well, it's. It's because they need to be preened." Grian answered, a reddish tint dusting over his cheeks.

"Yeah uhm, I just haven't preened them in awhile, it's a little hard to do it on my own, since I can only reach so far, y'know? It's fine, I'll get to it later" Grian said, giving Scar a reassuring smile. Then returning his attention to the chest in front of him. "What if I help? So they stop bothering you?" Scar offered

"Scar, how much do you know about avians?"

Grian looked at Scar skeptically. Scar didn't know much, but he had heard it can be bad if the wings are left un-preened.

"Not much, but I'm sure I can be a big help if you tell me how." He said, smiling at Grian.

Grian looked at Scar, then glanced at his wings, soon back to Scar. He seemed to be thinking. Scar would understand if grian refused his offer. He understood that avian wings were sensitive, and they often did not like others touching them.

"Alright." Grian said, standing up walking over the couch. Sitting down on the floor in front of the loveseat

Scar made his way over to Grian and sat on the cushion behind him.

Grian explained to Scar on how to preen wings. After twenty minutes Scar was running his hand gently over the right wing to see if he had missed any broken feathers when he heard a chirp come from the avian, who was as stiff as a board when the unfamiliar sound left his mouth.

Did Grian just... Chirp?

Scar was about to ask when they heard a familiar voice outside

"Jimmy! I told you to be careful hun! How did you even get stuck like that?" Their front door was then opened to reveal their teal haired friend with a poppy behind his pointed ear, and panicked blue-ish gray eyes.

"Uhmm Grian? Me and Jimmy were heading up here and Jim may have gotten stuck in a sand trap" Grian stood up and rushed outside.

"Goshdarnit Tim, I just made that trap!" Scar could hear Grian and Jimmy arguing from where he was sitting.

"Why is there a pile of feathers right next to you Scar?" Scott asked

Scar looked down besides him to see a pile of red, blue, and yellow feathers that had formed while he preened Grian's wings.

"Oh! Well, I was preening Grian's wings!" Scar replied cheerfully looking back up at Scott

The Teal haired man looked at Scar for a moment before chuckling and leaning on the table "Really? Good for you and Grian, you know people didn't know if you two were dating or just really good friends for awhile" Scott said messing with his nails



Him and Grian werent dating, people thought they were dating? How long have people thought that?

Scar felt his face heat up just thinking of himself and Grian together that way

"Grian and I aren't dating, what does me preening his wings have to do with that?" Scar asked, confusion apparent in his voice. Scott stopped playing with his nails and looked back at the red life, now confused himself.

"Sorry for assuming, but do you not know?" Scott asked in return, Scar just shook his head, urging Scott to elaborate. "Well, uh, usually avains only let their, you know. It's a thing that only their-'' Scott cut himself off, seemingly trying to find the right words to say to scar.

"You know what? Ask Grian" After Scott had said that Grian had stuck his head through the doorway "Hey you two, I was gonna show Timmy what I've been working on, come on." Grian tossed a shirt to scar "-Put that on first scar"

And so Scott and Scar followed Grian out to his most recent trap. Scar decided that he would ask Grian about all that avian stuff later

But he never got the chance cause they were quickly ambushed by the red army, he actually never had a peaceful moment with Grian again.

That was until they were in a forest, one standing, Holding a sword to the other's throat.

With Scar kneeling down, ready to accept his fate, from the one he loved the most.

(Thank you for reading, I'm tired. Part two is called 'Well Now You Know')

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