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Third Person

Grian was surrounded in darkness. Like the void but somehow more off putting "Grian'' he turned around to see mumbo standing still with an unreadable expression "Mumbo? Where are we? What are we doing here?" Grian questioned him, but Mumbo showed no reaction. "He's back." He says with no emotion, Grian looks at him confused, 'who is he talking about?' He wondered "Mumbo, who's back?" Mumbo opened his mouth to reply, but before he could say anything-

-A knife was shoved through his stomach. Grian was frozen in place as he watched his best friend slowly start to fall forward, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

Except Mumbo never hit the ground. He dispersed into white particles, and behind was a familiar man wearing a white hat with bunny ears. Grian felt a chill run up his spine as his feathers slowly fluffed out a bit. "S-sam" Grian said, his voice barely coming above a whisper, starting to tremble. "Hello, Gree-on! Or should I say Taurtis?" Sam said while pointing his knife up at Grians clothes, with the same sinister smile that he had tried so hard to forget. "What?" Grian mumbled out, looking down to where the bunny eared man was pointing. He was wearing the familiar clothes of an old friend, They were Taurtis' old clothes. the same ones he was forced to wear all those years ago. "N-no this can't be happening again" Grian's vision starting to become blurry "What was that Taurtis? I can't hear you when you mumble!" Sam starts to giggle, finding Grian's fear enjoyable. "My n-name isn't Taurtis, Sam" he said weakly, trying his best not to stutter.

Sam's expression quickly changed, from a smiling maniac, to an angered one, he was clearly upset.

"I thought you were over this nonsense, you know your name don't you? Or do I have to remind you." He said, tone dripping with malice. The grip on his knife tightening. Every part of Grian was telling him to run, move, fight, Anything besides just standing there like a scared teenager.

Sam swung his knife at grian, he flinched, shutting his eyes expecting to be stabbed or cut, but nothing happend.

When Grian opened his eyes, he was in the underground part of his base, in front of the rift. Even if he was confused, he was more relieved than anything. "That scared the sugar out of me" he turned around to face Grumbot "Well goodnight Grumbot!" Grian wanted to hurry and get to Scars base so he could spend time with Scar and play with Jellie. Grian flew up and out just to see that his base was destroyed, Mumbos base was too destroyed. Grian was shocked, it wasn't normal to just find your base destroyed. 'Maybe Scar has seen something?' He thought to himself, flying over to Scarland. But as he got closer he wasn't welcomed by the Elf welcoming him, arms open ready for the winged man to fly into his arms, and telling him about his day.

No, he was welcomed by the sight of everything set aflame. Grian, now more confused, grew concerned as he didn't see his partner trying to put out the fire.

He started calling out for Scar, but never received a reply. As Grian was about to search the rest of the server, he noticed a familiar body on the ground. "Scar!" He quickly flew down into the flames, using his water bucket to clear the area of fire. "Scar?" He bent down right next to the elf, holding him. Scar had horrible burns covering his arms and face

"Oh dear, as soon as you respawn I'll help you rebuild, darling" Grian looked down lovingly at Scar, when he heard a familiar voice "He won't be coming back" Grian looked up to see a purple god like being, a Watcher. looking down on him with a disappointed look on Their face

"What are you doing here? What the hell do you mean by, 'he won't be coming back'" Grian usually would have been terrified to see such a Familiar face, but he was too busy thinking about what they had said. "He won't be responing, we all agreed that he was too much trouble" that made Grian start to see red "What trouble has he caused? You shouldn't even be here!" With each word Grians wings started to fade to purple

"It doesn't matter, it's already been done"

Grian finally registered what the Watcher had said a few moments before. Scar wasn't coming back. meaning no longer waking up to Scar kissing his face. No more building together. No more late nights watching movies or cuddling for hours on end. No more having Scar groom his wings after being in the rain. No more braiding scars hair whenever he felt like it. No more anything that he had once done with Scar, Grain could feel his heart ache.

He started to hold scar closer to him, hot tears rolling down his face

"Stop crying, Xelqua. This is your fault, he wouldn't have been a target if you hadn't gotten so close. He was just a distraction, besides you were never meant to be here, you were only ever meant to watch."

Those words began to ring in Grians ears. They were right, this happened because Grian put scar in danger. If he ha-

"Grian! Are you alright? Your crying" Scar had woken grian up in a panic, not knowing what was happening

Grian was relieved to see his Elven partner, not burned and obviously alive. He quickly sat up and hugged Scar. "Songbird, is everything alright? Your shaking" Scar began rubbing circles on his back, trying to calm his pretty bird down. "I'm fine, im-im just so relieved that you're ok" Grian let go of Scar and started peppering his face with kisses, causing Scar to start giggling "ok, I love how cute you are right now. But you're still crying, do you want to talk about it?" Scar said, still concerned for his boyfriend, "Maybe tomorrow, but for now I just want to go back to sleep."

And so that's what they did, Scar and Grian got comfortable in each other's embrace, and Grian didn't have any more trouble sleeping for the rest of the night.

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