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A/N :Hey y'all this is sort of like a chapter just to show how long they have been friends and blah blah blah .So it doesn't really matter if you skip the the Prolouge or not.


"Im going to see Kai," 5 -year -old Busi exclaimed ,in a sing-song manner , "Kai, Kai, Kai!"

"Awucabangi ukuthi ukujabulele kakhulu ukuya esikoleni, Sthandwa sami?"Thulani,Busi's father,expressed.
[Don't you think she's a bit too excited to got to school, my love ?]

"Angicabangi ukuthi usijabulele isikole, kodwa ubonakala ejabulele uKai, cha?"said Sibongile,Busi's mother, replied.
[I don't think she's excited for school ,but excited to see Kai,no?]

"Those two are going to get married "added,their older daughter , Bandile .

"Haibo! You want me to have a heart-attack."expressed Thulani,looking forward,too focused on the road .

"I'm going to be wearing a beautiful pink dress ,with a gynamungus diamond on my ring ," Busi rambles ,with a dreamful stare ,"Kai will be waiting for me !"

"Hebana!This girl is going to make me age fast!"groaned Thulani as Sibongile giggled.

The next few minutes in the car were spent silently,the radio being the only source of sound.Until a tiny voice disturbed that silence.

"Baba,are we almost there yet"complained Busi.

"We are arriving round about......,"Thulani dragged ,as he turned left ,"" while he parked the car .

Busi was bouncing up and down, ecstatic to be so close to seeing Kai, waiting for one of her parents to open the door.

Once the door was open Busi shot out of the car .
"Bye Ma,bye Bab-"Busi trailed off as she rushed to the entrance of her school.

"Ema Nyena wena ,give mama and baba a hug goodbye,"
[Translations :wait a minute, you] Sibongile said,humored by the child's excitement.

Both little Bandile and Busisiwe gave there parents a hug and left for Pre-K.


Busi's big ,doe eyes were scanning the room desperately, until they fell upon ,the lovely sight, her crush/bestfriend.

'KAAAAAIIIIII!"squealed Busi as she ran up to her bestfriend.

Kai looked around, immediately , knowing the owner of that voice .

"Bambi!!!!"Kai squealed, in return, as he ran towards Busi .

They met in the middle and gave each other a warm hug .Even though they had seen each other a week before school began ,one would've swore that they haven't seen each other for ages .

"I missed you ,Bambi so so much,"Kai mentioned ,"I was so bored after you left ."

Busi giggled at the thought of her crush missing her.Although Kai,whom is in Bandile's class, was in one grade above her it didn't stop the two from having similar interests.

"I missed you even more than you missed me ," Busi responded, in a competitive manner.

"Impossible," Kai teased on,sounding confident.

Busi knew ,that very moment was when it was definite that she indeed loved Kai a lot ,even if she wasn't old enough to know what love was ,she knew she would always be in love with Lee Kai,even if the love wasn't reciprocated.


A/N: For those of you who actually read author's notes ,I hope you enjoyed this prolouge .I think I did very well , If I do say so myself💅🏾 .I know I'm going to annoy some of y'all with this but ,like, please vote ,comment or share.

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