Chapter Fifty-Nine

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A/N- I somehow managed to type up everything I needed to today, and I did some moving around to make it three chapters instead of two because that felt better for some reason? lol my brain is tired but anyway, hope y'all enjoy:)

As I watch Rylie and her siblings interact and play, I think back to when I first met Rylie. At the time, she didn't have a relationship with her mother, and I completely understood why. Kristen and Brad had gotten divorced the year before Rylie and I had met, but it had been obvious that Rylie had still struggled with it.

I still can't imagine what it was like for Rylie to have her mother abandon her and the young boys so she could run off with the man she'd been cheating on their father with. I'd already disliked Kristen because of that, but my anger had deepened the night of Rylie's 18th birthday.

That whole day had been great, and I had done my best to give Rylie the type of birthday she deserved, but the phone call from her mother had wiped it all away. After over a year of silence, Rylie's mother had called to tell Rylie that she was pregnant and would be getting married to the man she'd left her family for.

Watching the pain and heartache fill Rylie's eyes had broken my heart. All I'd wanted since meeting Rylie was to protect her and her heart, but in that moment, there was nothing I could do to take the pain from her. It felt like I only made things worse, so I had eventually backed off to give her the time she needed. It had taken me a long time to move past the way Kristen had hurt Rylie.

Time really does heal. I love being able to see just how much things have changed since then. Although things aren't perfect, Rylie's family is healing and learning to love again, and I'm so thankful I get to be a part of that. I've learned a lot too, especially from Brad.

I have no doubt it took a lot for him to be able to move on, especially considering the things Kristen had done. Brad had only worried about the boys and Rylie and what would be best for them.

After losing my own father, I never thought I'd get to experience things like that, but Brad had proven me wrong. As if he could read my mind, Brad meets my eyes and gives me a quick wink. I smile in return before turning towards Rylie and she nudges me.

"Do you want to hold Harper while I grab their gifts?"

"No, that's okay." I smile. "I'll go grab them, you stay and have fun."

Rylie kisses my cheek before I stand and head up the stairs for the presents. While in my room, I check my phone and smile when I notice several "Merry Christmas" messages from the Salty Christian group chat. My smile slips when I see a message from an unknown number, but instead of letting the rising panic engulf me, I take a deep breath and delete the message. And then just to be safe, I block the number.

I drop my phone back on the nightstand before leaving my room, heading back downstairs to the people that matter.


"That's a really cute one." Spencer says from the couch as we try another outfit on Harper. I laugh as I notice Sammy and Murphy fast asleep on his chest, with Harvey beside him, resting his head on Spencer's arm.

"Looks like you make a good pillow." I grin.

"What can I say, they love me." Spencer brags, glancing down at the puppies. "I was just laying here for my own comfort, they just knew I would make the best nap spot." He grins.

"Sounds like they just like you for your body." Rylie teases. "And maybe your treats." She gestures to the nearly empty bag of dog treats on the ground beside the couch.

"Definitely my body." Spencer laughs.

The boys giggle from across the room as they play with the new toys Rylie and I had gotten while Brad, Jay and my mom clean up the dishes from dinner.

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