Chapter Forty-Five

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A/N: Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great Christmas/New Years/Holiday! I was hoping to get the Christmas chapters done while it was still Christmas in real life, but that unfortunately didn't happen so we've got a few more holiday chapters coming up haha. Anyway, I hope y'all have a great week!

"We don't have to dress a certain way for this light thing, do we?" Rylie calls from the bathroom.

"Nope, just wear something warm!" I answer before slipping a cute, thick white sweater over my head. We'd gotten tickets a few weeks ago to go see the Christmas Lights Festival at a nearby place, and I was excited.

My father had taken me when I was a child, so it was bittersweet to be going back. I was excited to go with Rylie and see how much it had changed since I'd been with my dad years ago. The only downside was the weather. It was already too cold for my liking during the days, so I wasn't looking forward to experiencing the cold at night.

I pull my warmest coat off of its hanger as Rylie joins me back in the bedroom. "Here." I smile, handing her a thick pair of grey gloves and her coat.

"Thank you, love." She replies before kissing my cheek. "You ready?"

I nod before following her out the door and locking it behind us. The moment we get outside, I start shivering. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea..." I mutter, teeth chattering.

"Baby," Rylie laughs before pulling me to her side, rubbing a hand up and down my arm. "Maybe we can get hot chocolate at the festival to keep you warm" She suggests with a smile.

"That's not a bad idea." I agree, bobbing my head as my teeth continue to chatter. "Maybe I need a heated coat!"

"Is that a thing?" Rylie asks skeptically.

"Yup.. I looked it up last winter." I answer, laughing. "My favorite was the one with a heater in not only the front and back, but also each arm."

"That... is actually brilliant. How have I not heard of heated coats before?" Rylie says, slightly awed.

"They're not a big thing yet." I assure her with a smile as we climb into the car. Thankfully, the car heats up quickly and my shivering finally calms down about five minutes into the drive.

"So," Rylie starts, slipping her fingers between mine. "The puppy."

"Ah, yes." I laugh. "The puppy. How could I forget?"

"Well, we did get a little bit distracted earlier, so I'll let it slide." She grins at me before focusing back on the road.

"So kind of you." I joke. "You really like that puppy, don't you?"

"Aspen, you have no idea. He is so cute and sweet and reminded me instantly of Harvey!" Rylie replies excitedly, and I can't tear my eyes from her beautiful face as it lights up.

"Ry, did you know that there is absolutely no way for me to say no to you, especially when you're this adorable?"

Her hand tightens in mine and I smile when I see the blush coloring her cheeks as the passing streetlights briefly illuminate her face. "No way at all? For anything?" Rylie teases with a smirk.

"Hey," I say carefully. "Don't get any crazy ideas."

Rylie laughs before speaking again. "Okay, I'll be honest. As much as I instantly loved this puppy, I don't know if having two dogs would be the best idea for us right now, especially since we both work so much and have school."

Despite being hesitant about getting another dog in the first place, I'm a little bit surprised by the disappointment I feel at Rylie's words. "I sometimes hate when you're right." I sigh jokingly.

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