Chapter Twenty-Nine

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As more people begin filling the dance floor and the music picks up, Rylie and I take a quick break to eat before joining our friends and family back on the patio.

It looked like the rain was done for the day, though some clouds still hovered along the horizon, slowly gaining color as the sun continued setting in the west. The temperature was slightly cooler now, and the fire pits were lit, the flames crackling softly, mixing with the music and voices of those on the deck.

"We can get food once we get to New Orleans if you want. You don't have to worry about eating a lot right now. Or even if you eat enough now but you're still hungry later." Rylie tells me as I add a small scoop of pasta to my plate.

How she knew me better than I knew myself, I would never know. "Do you ever get annoyed that I eat so much?" I ask with a laugh.

"Nope. Because I eat just as much as you, if not more. I just use you and your hunger as cover." Rylie laughs. "I know I'll be ready to eat again by then, too."

"Oh my God." I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Blame me or use me as your cover whenever you'd like. That's one of the perks of my love." I grin.

"How many of these perks do you have?" Rylie asks as she fills a plate with a few different desserts. "Because I've known you for 17 months, I've loved you for 16 of those months, and the perks seem to just keep coming."

"I guess that's another perk," I shrug, keeping my voice nonchalant. "There are an endless amount of perks."

"Well that's not fair, to you." Rylie pouts. "How am I ever supposed to repay you for these perks?"

"Oh, I can think of a few ways. Mostly having to do with your fingers..."

"Okay!" Rylie hisses, quickly pressing a hand over my mouth. "I get it!" She laughs as she drops her hand, revealing my grin. My smile widens as I take note of the slight blush in her cheeks. I would never get tired of how easily my suggestive comments made her blush.

"Too bad you'll probably be too tired tonight after the long day we've had... I guess I'll have to pay you back once we're on the ship." Rylie says with a shrug.

"I most certainly will not be too tired." I argue. "We'll have plenty of time to sleep in before our boarding time." I assure her with a grin.

"Oh, good." Rylie laughs before pulling me to a nearby table. "Let's go eat."


The rest of the reception passes quickly, and it's filled with dancing, laughter and happiness. I'm grateful for our photographer as she takes pictures and videos of everyone.

I knew I would want to go back years in the future and re-watch Jeremy's goofy, slightly awful dancing, or how cute Sawyer is with our younger cousins. Or the way Rylie is with her little brothers as they dance with her. I knew I would want to remember every single detail of this perfect night with the people I loved most in this world.

As the night starts coming to an end, the music changes, signaling one last slow dance, and I reluctantly let Rylie's dad pull her onto the dance floor for the Father Daughter dance.

I watch as they begin a slow waltz, still slightly stunned at how beautiful she looked in her dress. I jump a little when I feel a tap on my shoulder, and surprise washes over my face when I turn to find Jay.

"Oh! You startled me." I laugh, placing a hand to my chest.

"Sorry about that." Jay laughs before holding out his hand. "Can I have this dance?"

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