Chapter Fifty-Six

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A/N- Apologies about the late update, i was on a cruise last week and instead of typing up chapters so they'd be ready to post, i just kept writing more lol.
The pic for this chapter is from my cruise, this was a really cool old lighthouse i saw as we were leaving the port:)

Smut Warning:)

Trying to explain to my mom why we can't spend the night of Christmas Eve at her house is nearly impossible. No excuse is good enough for her, even the newlyweds excuse.

"If I remember correctly, you do still have a bed in your old room." She says nonchalantly. My eyes widen, Rylie's jaw drops, and Jay spits his mouthful of coffee all over the table and paper he'd been reading.

My mother never says stuff like this, she generally steers clear of anything having to do with Rylie and I and sex. Needless to say, we are all very shocked.

And so, we decide to stay. We'd been planning on staying at a nearby hotel, so we already have everything we'll need for Christmas. The only issue now is the puppies. Rylie has some friends in the next town over that had agreed to keep them for the evening while we were here, and after a quick phone call, they agree to keep them for the night as well.

"I'll go grab the stuff from the car." Rylie says, kissing my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you." I reply with a warm smile. I love that no matter how many times she says those three words, they always make me feel so much. "I'll go make sure the room is all set."

"Okay." I watch Rylie slip out the door before heading up the stairs towards my old room. As I'm pulling the decorative pillows off of the bed, I realize that this will be the first time Rylie and I stay the night here.

I can't help but feel  excitement at the thought of doing things in my old bed, but I don't want to risk one of us making enough noise that my mom and Jay hear...

Struggling to stay quiet is hot though...

I suddenly have the image of Rylie beneath me, my hand covering her mouth as she struggles not to make any noise. "Well fuck." I laugh quietly, shifting my legs at the sudden pressure between them. The fact that I can feel this way even just from the thought of Rylie...

"You okay?" I whirl around at the sound of a voice, finding Rylie at the door with our things in her hands.

"Great," I smile. "I was just thinking."

"About?" Rylie raises an eyebrow.

"You'll find out tonight." I tease with a grin.

"Aspen," Rylie groans. "The way you worded that makes me want to find out now." Her voice lowers as she nears me. I take a step back for each step she takes forward.

"We still have to wait for my mom and Jay to go to sleep..." I fail to keep my words steady.

"I already told them goodnight." Rylie murmurs, still nearing me. "They're off to bed, in their room downstairs, on the opposite side of the house."

"That's really good to know, actually." I whisper, my eyes dropping briefly to Rylie's lips.

"So are you gonna tell me what you were thinking about?"

"Just something to do with you sleeping in my old room with me for the first time. It's kind of exciting." I grin.

"Yeah? And it's just sleeping that we'll be doing?" Rylie questions with a raised eyebrow.

"No,' I admit with a laugh. "I was thinking about what else we could do and how I'd really enjoy watching you try to keep quiet."

"Someone's feeling like a top tonight." Rylie smirks, taking a final step towards me. I try to step back once more, and let out a small gasp when my heels hit the bed. Rylie pushes my shoulders lightly and I drop onto the bed, meeting her eyes again as she gently lifts my chin.

A North Carolina AutumnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang