Chapter Fifty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Once she's asked all of her questions, my mother heads into the kitchen to work on breakfast while the rest of us stay in the living room, watching the puppies play with all the new toys beneath the flashing Christmas lights covering the tree.

"I think we might've gone overboard on Murphy's toys..." Rylie comments, her eyes scanning the different ropes and chew toys strewn around the room.

"Maybe just a little." I agree, laughing as I watch Harvey and Sammy play peek-a-boo with the box we'd put the puppies in. "Those two don't even want the toys."

"Apparently a box is all they need." Rylie laughs.

"And each other. There's no separating these two."

"Nope. We're officially the moms to two dogs!" Rylie replies, and I smile. I know that once her family gets here in a few hours, everything will be pretty much perfect.

Too bad perfection never lasts.


"Ry! Dad said you have a surprise!" The boys' excited voices sound the moment the front door opens, and they come running into the living room, bringing with them the brisk outside air.

"What is it?"

"Where is it?"

"Do we have to share?"

Rylie and I laugh as Aiden, Asher and August talk over each other. "Do you have anything for us?" Rylie questions, her hands behind her back to conceal the puppies. "You have to trade me something for your surprise!"

"What! That's not fair!" Aiden whines.

"Yeah, we didn't know! Plus, Dad said it's not a surprise we can keep!" August chimes in, his blond curls bouncing as he bobs his head. Asher is the only one that doesn't say anything since he's too distracted by Harvey.

"Tell her who we brought." Spencer says as he appears in the doorway, half of his body hidden by the doorframe.

"Oh!" August gasps, suddenly remembering. "Mom let us bring Harper!" The excitement in his blue eyes and voice is adorable. Spencer laughs, stepping farther into the room with Harper's car seat in one hand.

"That's exactly what I was hoping for!" Rylie grins at the boys before revealing the two sleeping puppies behind her. "And for your surprise, meet Sammy and Murphy!"

"You got more puppies?" Aiden gasps, dropping to his knees in front of their sleeping forms.

"Yep, this one is for Aspen's mom, and this one is ours." Rylie points at each puppy.

"They're so cute!" Asher says as he joins us, Harvey by his side. "Harvey is still my favorite though." He adds with a smile.

Me too, buddy. No dog would ever replace Harvey or the love I have for him. He and I have a rare bond, and he's my last piece of Chester. I swallow hard, still not used to the sadness that follows any thought of Chester. I miss him more than I thought possible, especially considering I only knew him for a few months.

You were meant to find Chester and Harvey. The bond you feel with both of them is no accident. A small voice says in my head, and I struggle to blink back tears. Good tears, for once.

I smile as I watch the boys pet the puppies as gently as they can, careful not to wake them. Spencer and Brad join us in the living room, and Spencer pulls Harper from her car seat before handing the baby to Rylie.

"Y'all better not be planning a fashion show with her or something. I got this outfit for her, she's staying in it all day." He says sternly.

"Sorry Spence, that's not gonna work." Rylie says as she makes faces at Harper.

"Come on, Ry. This is the first time she's wearing something I got her." Spencer argues, earning a glare from Rylie.

"How about this, Aspen and I play dress up with her for a while to see how she looks in all the clothes we got her, and when we're done, we'll put her back in this one." Rylie says, offering a compromise.

Spencer narrows his eyes, considering the offer. I can tell he knows he's not going to win this argument with Rylie, but he doesn't want to give in too easily. "Fine. I guess I want to see what you got her anyway." He mutters. Brad catches my eye and we share a quiet laugh as Rylie and Spencer bicker.

Even though they're arguing, I enjoy watching the two of them. It's always a fun little peek into what it would've been like to have a sibling. I don't think I missed out on too much though, considering the amount of time I spent with my cousins.

Plus, Spencer and the boys treat me more like a sister each time I see them, so I'm learning more and more what it's like to have brothers. I'm also grateful that Rylie and I get to experience together what it's like to have a baby sister. Watching how Rylie is with both the triplets and Harper is one of my favorite things. Her eyes are always bright with the love she has for them. It's an unconditional love that she saves only for the people closest to her, and I'll never stop being thankful that I'm one of those people.

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