Do The Propaganda

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"Miguel uh...what's to meet with us.." Hobie said, hand on the back of his neck. Gwen and Pavitr nodded at me. We walked with them down to Miguel's laboratory area of HQ. When we walked in he seemed to be..waiting for us. He slowly walked up to me and Hobie and said, "Sit down."

We did as he said and took some chairs from the desks. "Hobie, you saved a little girl a few hours ago, yeah?" Hobie nodded confusedly. "Well, first of all, time goes faster there. A few hours is a ton of years there. So, technically, that little girl is 16 now, and...she's an anomaly." Hobie looked horrified. "Because you saved her, she's wrecking havoc on what's supposed to happen in that universe. It's crumbling apart." Miguel tried to explain as forward as possible. "Well can we fix it?" I asked, barging in on the conversation. "Possibly, but you'll have to go on another mission. My only worry is Hobie." I knew what we had to do, I knew the price we would have to pay.

"I'll go. Keep Hobie here." Hobie looked at me, either outraged or confused. "No! I'm fine."
"YOU CAN BARELY WALK. It will just be for a few hours, you can handle yourself." I said as calm as I could. Hobie nodded. I had never heard silence quite this loud. "You're free to go then. It's Earth-1674." Miguel typed the universe into my watch and let us go. We walked back with Gwen and Pavitr. We stopped outside the door of me and Hobie's room. "See ya later, Punk." I said with a smile, patting Hobie's shoulder. "Same for you, Web." I walked away with Gwen and Pavitr when he entered the room and shut the door.

We used our watches to go the the Earth. When we got there it was a mess. Havoc everywhere. We spotted a giant eagle like suit in the air. "That's her." Gwen said. We use our webs to chase after her until she dropped into a dark, large alleyway. We all webbed her to the wall and looked out onto the street, then back at her. Pavitr used his watch to scan her as she struggled. "LET ME DOWN!" She shrieked. "We're good." I answered. When Pavitr finished, we grabbed her and opened a portal back to HQ. We had been gone for about 2 hours. We delivered her to Miguel and left.

I walked back to Me and Hobie's room. When I opened the door I saw Hobie, asleep on the couch watching a movie. I smiled and slumped next to him. He groaned a little. "Ah...your back..." he said sleepily. "Mhm." I said, messing with his hair a bit. "Told you it wouldn't take long." Just as I said that there was another knock at the door. "Ugh..what now." I said, getting up to open the door. It was Miguel again. "What do you fucking want?" I asked angrily.

"She escaped."

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