Calling Out To Idiot America

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Miguel bursted through the door and stopped. It was a weird sight to see. Me and Hobie immediately separated and walked over to Miguel. "I was just going to tell you that your bracelets are here but you guys are to lovey-dovey to probably care." He handed us two bracelets and shut the door. When we heard him fully walk away we started to laugh a little. It was an overall very funny interaction, especially to see Miguel so flustered.

After a few minutes of getting ready and putting in clothes, I walked to the kitchen room to make breakfast. I cooked some pancakes, but in the middle Hobie came up from behind me and wrapped his hands around waist while resting his head on my shoulder. "Watcha cookin?" He mumbled to me. I was a bit flustered but I replied, "pancakes. Want some?" I felt him nod on my shoulder and kept that in mind.

I made 4 pancakes, 2 for each of us, we ate quickly and went down to see Gwen and Pavitr. We all hung out and had fun together. Apparently Gwen and Pavitr had a similar question to ask because they both said, "are you two dating?" At the same time. I looked at Hobie and then back at Gwen and Pavitr. We both shook our heads and wildly and quickly denied what they said at the same time. Gwen and Pavitr both chuckled at each other and Gwen said, "hey it's just a joke!" She laughed more and me and Hobie calmed down a bit.

Gwen attempted to change the subject and said, "did you guys hear about how Miguel finally agreed to have a band of Spider-People to play music every few days?" Me and Hobie looked at each other and shook our head. "I was thinking about joining but I didn't have anyone to join with." I immediately said, "Do you play an instrument?" Gwen nodded and said, "Drums."

"I mean I'm a singer and Hobie plays electric guitar. We could join together!" I said excitedly as I looked at Hobie for approval. He nodded and we talked more about it. After a while Miguel came up to us and told us we had to go on a mission. We all nodded and used our watches to go to the universe we needed to go to.

When we got there we explored our surroundings until we saw a building collapsing. We all swung our webs quickly over there. We helped as many civilians escape the crumbling place as possible. The building was crumbling fast and time went by like a ticking time bomb. We got about 500 people out of there. As we moved out of the way to let the building fall, Hobie spotted a kid stranded right where the building was going to fall. He dived into the building and I yelled "HOBIE STOP!!" Just as quickly as he dove in, the building collapsed I was so scared and I ran to find him, Gwen tried to hold me back but I broke through. I saw him, he was trapped under the building but just enough I could pull him and the child out.

"Grab my hand!" I yelled. I used all my strength to pull the two out. When they were both out we all took a moment to breath. We were all out of breath. The child quickly got up and ran to her father, they hugged and it was very wholesome. I looked back over an Hobie, who was holding his side and groaning in pain. I scooted over next to him and helped him up. I put his arm around my shoulder and I carried him back towards Gwen and Pavitr. They where shocked but Gwen immediately opened a portal back to HQ and Pavitr pushed me and Hobie through it. When we arrived we felt all eyes on us. Miguel came over and said, "Let me take him to the medical-" I cut him off and said, "No, he's coming with me."

I escorted him to our room and sat him down on the counter. He held his side and groaned more.
"Stay here."

American Idiot | Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now