Sound Of Hysteria

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I stared in shock at what the man had just asked us. "No time for questions, let's go." He somehow pulled us both into the orange oval. We were sent through a flying tunnel and it was crazy. When the feeling went away I opened my eyes to MILLIONS of Spider-People every direction! I looked next to me at Hobie and he was confused too. I grabbed onto his arm and walked with him as we followed the man into a dark room.

When we entered the man stepped on a piece of floor and it rose higher and higher. Me and Hobie watched in awe as he rose up. "My name is Miguel O'Hara. I'm pairing you two up with Pavitr Prabhakar and Gwen Stacy." He announced. "Who are they?" I asked curiously. He pulled up two files of them both and showed them to us through the orange screen. They weren't as bad as we thought they would be. He immediately put his hand to his ear snd muttered something.

A few minutes later the two people we saw on the file walked on the door. Miguel said, "These are your new partners." The girl, Gwen, looked at me and said, "Is she ready?" I immediately answered. "Absolutely not! I just found out I was bitten by a weird ass spider and now I'm here!" All my confusion had been let out. Hobie looked at me and shrugged like he understood, it was kind of nice. "I'm just a singer!" I said confusedly.  Miguel looked so disappointed. "The machine said they were a Spider-Man so I brought her here."

Gwen nodded and walked over to me and Hobie with Pavitr. "Don't worry, we'll he help you get used to things. You'll be staying here for a while." She pointed at Hobie. "You and her will share a room upstairs, but for now I have to help her get used to it." Hobie nodded as Gwen walked me to a room. While we left we heard Hobie and Pavitr getting along, at least he made another friend besides me.

Me and Gwen spent hours together as she thought me the ropes of being a Spider-Man. After that, she walked me to my room where I opened the door to Hobie. He was drawing with headphones on and didn't realize I was there. I put my hand on the doorframe and walls. The walls felt soundproof, nice. I walked into a different room and pulled out my notebook.

It had been a while since I had practiced my singing so I did that. I sang I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE  By Måneskin. I was having so much fun, singing was my favorite thing to do. Apparently the walls weren't THAT soundproof because when I was done I opened the door to Hobie leaning on the doorframe. "What was that?" He asked slyly with a smile. "A song." I said, smiling in return, a bit flustered.

After that we hung out and watched a movie, specifically Donnie Darko. That movie was something that we had bonded over when we first met. We both loved it and quoted every time we could. We would always say things like,
"How's it feel to have a wacko for a son?"
"Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion."
"Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?"
"Donnie Darko? What the hell kind of name is that? It's like some sort of superhero or something."
"I think you're the f*cking anti-Christ."

We had become great friends in just a few years. It was nice to have such a amazing friend. I was so lucky to have him. We fell asleep hugging each other and it was peaceful. Peaceful for the first time in years. Then, there was a knock at the door and it woke us both up.

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