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JJ pushed open the door where the Phantom was and they three walked into the building.

"There she is, hey girl. A 1983 Formula 402 SR1. The Phantom." JJ said and looked back at the two girls trying to see if they were as exited as he was, news flash. They wern't.

"The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under 16 hours. Forty years old! Forty. And still the fastest thing that Kildare's ever seen." JJ said and the two girls shared a look.

"It's kind of a junker." Kie said and Izzy nodded agreeing with the dark haired girl.

"Really? She's right there, Kie." Izzy rolled her eyes, "Stop giving the boat pronouns honey." Izzy said rolling her eyes.

"I just am hopeing it runs." Kie said and Izzy started looking around the shop they were in.

"Oh she'll run Kie. She's faster than any cutters the boys in blue got." JJ said and Izzy turned around when she heard a motercycle.

"Pope. Finally."

"Kie, Pope was suppost to meet us-" Izzy started to say but was cut off by Rafe walking out.

"Hey, there. What's goin' on? JJ. Izzy! Thought you'd be here." Rafe said and JJ grabbed Izzy's hand and pushed her behind him. Izzy grabbed Kie's hand and pulled her away from where Rafe stood behind her.

Barry walked out from where the three tried to run and they started to back away.

"Well, well." Barry said raising a gun and holding it at JJ's chest while cocking it.

In a heart beat Izzy was in the middle of JJ and the gun that Barry now had pointed inbetween her eyes. One shot out of the gun, Izzy would have died.

"Move outta my wave Sweetheart. Wouldn't want your boyfriend to see you die, right?" Barry asked, he was bluffing. Izzy could see it in his eyes.

Before she could resond she was pulled back, somebody wrapped there arms around her stomach and pulled her backwards, she let out a scream at the force and where he had grabbed her from.

"Well, well, well, isn't it Miss Izzy." Lincoln said the blonde girl tried to pull her arm away from the boy but it didn't work, he squeezed her arm tightly.

"What are you guy doing auditioning to be batman's villains?" Izzy asked still trying to get her arm away from the dark haired boy.

"See, JJ don't think I forgot about me and you on the side of the road. I'm here because I want my motherfuckin money!" Barry said walking closer and closer to JJ and then hit him with the gun JJ fell to the ground and Izzy finally got away from Lincoln.

"JJ!" Izzy yelled falling to the ground next to JJ. She wasn't next to the boy long before Lincoln grabbed her leg from under her and dragged her away. She kicked and kicked before he finally dragged her off the ground.

There was nothing she could do.

For anyone,

not for JJ,

not for Kie,

not even for herself.

Lincoln held on to her neck, she could hear noises from around her and she felt the empacked from when she hit the ground coughing.

She didn't get her vision back until she rubbed her eyes a few times. Then she saw it all. Pope beating the shit out of her brother.

JJ beating the shit out of Lincoln. "JJ! Stop, I'm ok, everyone is okay!" Izzy shouted and JJ finally stopped hitting the boy.

Izzy sighed as she looked up at JJ. He looked terrible, and she meant that in the nicest way possible.

She hated Barry for doing this to him, Barry hurt the boy she loved and the girl wanted nothing more for him to be the one on the ground, yes she hated Lincoln her hate for Barry was much more powerful.

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