Annoying Jedi

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Revan turned his head to Bastila, she was being incredibly irritating with talks about the jedi, and how it might help if he returned to the jedi. Something he didn't plan on doing. He told her many times that he wasn't going back, and to stop giving him the lectures on the light.
"To understand the force bett-"
Revan grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. His eyes glared down at her own. Both his arms where by her sides trapping her in. Revan bent down a bit to get to her eye level.
Bastila immediately went silent her face filled with a blush.
"Oh Bastila..." Revan said under his breath with a slight smirk. "How many times must I tell you.." he titled is head.
Bastila didn't know what to say to him, she wanted to help him, but at her own risk of getting exiled. The jedi council had no idea of her involvement with Revan. A part of her saw the good in him, and she wanted to draw that side of him out.
Revan studied her, slowly moving one of his hands he grazed her neck and jaw. Still the smirk remained "I told you I'm not going back my love, maybe.... you should consider joining me.."
Bastila looked at him like he was crazy "no, I'm not going the sith." She spoke in a proud tone. Moving her hands to push him away he caught both of her wrists with the same hand. Pushing her arms up above her head he pressed his body against hers.
"Now is that how you treat your lover?" He asked moving his lips against her neck in a teasing manner.
Bastilas face filled with a blush, he definitely had her now.
"Even if you won't join the sith... you can't get away from me Bastila..." his lips still moving across her neck and jaw before he pulled back to look at her. Using his other hand he moved it up her right side, until his hand rested on her cheek. She looked so small compared to him. He enjoyed it."Relase me Revan" Bastila demanded as she made eye contact with him.
Revan chuckled and shook his head "and what makes you think I'll do such a thing?"
"I will not be held her against my will." She responded.
Leaning in he started to speak into her ear "Who said against your will? I know deep down you're enjoying this" he pulled back and her face was even more flustered than it already was. He leaned in to place a passionate, eager, and deep kiss onto her lips, which she gladly returned. Revan chuckled to himself. He pulled back slightly to speak but his lips where still against hers, "I knew you liked it.." he kissed her again.

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