Neliono looks at her with a questionable look. And then it hits him. "Oh gosh, you haven't really forgot it now?!" 

"Haha, you know, it wasn't that important ... " Neliana laughs awkwardly and doesn't waste a second to take the last steps down. Silent and unnoticeable of course. Their speciality. Neliono just shakes his head on her forgetfulness. What would I do without her?

They managed to sneak back in time and unnoticed, and are now standing on their spots like a minutes ago. Only Valentino and Alijo smirk in their direction, Alijo caught her gaze. Neliana crosses her arms and gives him a victorious look. He smirks back, knowing very well what they did. She signs with her hands and without knowing wether he understands or not, a "Thanks.".

He signs back "I'm a devil too. And by the way, very nice to have you both back. You both look really beautiful."  A small smile appears on her and also Neliono' face. They sign now together a "Thanks again.".

Suddenly the room fills up with silence. All their gazes and attentions turn to the Nes and Ernesto is the first one, finding his voice. "Why are you wearing something else as a few minutes ago." No emotions, no talking around, no question, a order and straight to the point. He's the Don of the American family and only a few days younger than Alessandro so the second one in charge between the DuLuca kids. He doesn't tolerate misbehavior or other inappropriate things. And after he already spoke with the other eldest ones about the strange happenings going on since there arrive, he is skeptical about them. Controlling every movement and speaking of them. When he doesn't like one thing, then it is the unknowing. He's a control freak and have to know everything going on in and out of their family. The secretes and strangeness causing from them, isn't something he or the other eldest ones appreciate. But what should they do without proofs. 

"Wait, right. How-How did you change? Haven't you had a trainings suits on a few minutes ago?!" - Tyler asks now in disbelief. 

"You have eyes in your head, congratulations." - Xander smacks his neck and rolls his eyes, but is instantly scowled by an already angry and confused Eduardo, his father. "Sorry." His father nods. 

"Answer." - Ernesto doesn't ask them, more orders, and looks them deep in the eyes alternately. But gets stuck by the eyes of Neliana. Normally everybody would at least now, be scared or at least knick in. Not she. She holds his gaze without shrugging one time. The once so unbothered mood disappeared long ago. Now a strange tension filled up the room and everybody is looking forward to the next move, reaction from anybody. 

But either Ernesto nor Neliana make any ambitions to break the eye contact. It's now no longer a normal eye contact, it's a battle. A battle who is stronger, more stubborn. "Answer. My. Question." - He presses out of his teeth. She shakes as an answer her head. Knowing very well that with this as an answer, he will be angry first because of the 'no' and second because of the non - verbal responds. 

Ernesto shakes his head, unamused. "I will ask you one last time: Why are you wearing something else as a few minutes ago!" It isn't a question, more an order again. 

Neliana clenches his jar and makes still no institutions to say something. Now every in charge is on, aware of the next move. They all didn't expected such an attitude since only the eldest ones Alessandro, Riccardo, Leonardo, Ernesto, Angelo, Francesco, Elijah, Aurelio and Lorenzo know about the few strange happenings the past few days. 

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