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-• nothing erases the past •-



I turn around hearing my colleague. Rekha smiles once she's standing in front of me and holds out the business card of her daughter's career counsellor. "Thanks. Have you talked to him?"

"Yeah, I let him know this morning. He was hesitant at first, he's usually booked. But when I told him the client's name, he was more than ready to shift around his booking list." She chuckles.

I smile. "Alright, thanks again."

"No, yar, it's nothing. Anyway, if you need my help with anything else, let me know."

I clutch the card in the pinch of my hands and shy a glance over the inscribed name, stuffing it in my purse before looking up at Rekha. "I will. See you tomorrow." I pat her wrist in gratitude before turning around and walking out of the office building. Taking out my key fob, I unlock my car and get in, driving out of the office premises.

I pick up Amir down the next block. He slides in, closing the door before putting on his seatbelt. "Good evening, Ma'am."

"Good evening, any news on Shourya?"

He shakes his head. "It's the first time boss has disappeared like this. He's a very meticulous man, I'm sure you know." As he glances at me, I nod in response. "We're not finding him until he wants to be found."

"Are you worried?" I ask softly, steering the car skillfully through the sea of vehicles. It's rush hour. There's no way we'll reach the farmhouse before midnight.

"For Boss?" The questions sounds rhetoric, "Not at all. I'm only trying to figure out the reason that caused this unusual reaction from him."

"Trust me, it's valid."

He looks at me curiously. "You know?"


"Well, what do you need my assistance with?"

I look into his eyes. "Murder."

Amir stiffens for a split second, then blinks. I focus back on the road.

"Okay," he says after a beat of silence.

I glance at him impressed. Shifting the gear, the car picks up the speed on the highway. Amir doesn't appreciate my risky driving skills, clutching the seatbelt as if it's his only hope. I'm sure I aggravate a few male drivers, and I hear some holler swear words at me from their windows. I don't stop. There's no point. They wouldn't dare say a word if I'm face to face with them.

"We're going to crash at this rate." Amir says, doing his best to hide the tremble in his voice.

"No, we're not." I tell him. "Don't you trust me, Amir?"

"For the skills that are inherent? Yes. For the skills that are acquired? I'm not so sure."

"Very diplomatic answer." My lips quirk up in amusement. "Don't worry. This is not a suicide mission. I'm a skilled driver."

"Will take a lot more than just words to trust your skills after witnessing you getting locked in a cupboard."

I chuckle. "That was very novice on my part, I agree."

"Well, at least you're self aware." A deep sigh rumbles out his throat when I pull off around an arriving lorry from the adjoining lane.

"Do you have a gun on you?"

He pats the holster strapped to his white shirt behind the black blazer.

We leave the concrete roads behind somewhere around eight and drive down the dirt roads into the rundown, rural village. Thick, long, overhanging trees start canopying the sides, cloaking the moonlit golden sky.

Redemption of Royals (Royal #1: Book 3) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now