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-• confession •-



How do you think a twelve year old boy would react upon seeing the first sunrise of his life?

Do you think he'd rejoice?

Do you think he'd smile?

Would his arms go up, towards the sky, to embrace the sun?

How bright do you think he'll beam?

Enough to light up the room?

What do you think he'll say?

"Oh, that's more beautiful than I imagined."

Or, perhaps,

"This world is really pretty."

Isn't that what you always say?

No, you call it pretty sad.

Pretty and sad.

But no, Taranya, that's not what that twelve year old boy thought.

Pretty didn't cross his mind.

And sad didn't even begin to surmise that feeling.

But he did watch every second of it, marvelling how powerful the sun was. It woke up the world. And he sat there, on the top, as every empty street, every deserted neighborhood, every abandoned building began to swarm with people. The city came alive, right in front of his eyes. And he couldn't believe it.

"Oh, this is how the world works."

He thought.

"This is how time plays these naive people."

He realised.

The beauty of the morning was lost on him, for he was too enchanted by the trick of time. Twirling the world on the tip of its finger, commanding it, ruling it, quietly, making them slaves of their own desires.

He fell in love with time.

He worshipped it.

And he remembered that morning as he went back inside his dark cell.

There was a small hole on the ceiling, light beamed through it.

Ever since he had witnessed the sunrise, he woke up earlier to see with his own eyes, when the beam of ray would sneak in through that tiny hole.

"The world's awake.

So am I."

He was no longer an outcast. He understood the world. Its schedule. What wakes it up, what runs it, what exhausts it, what wears it down, and what puts it back to sleep.

He followed that ardently.

His first sunrise was an awakening, an awakening of a new soul inside of him. He began to think of light with a different perspective. The dark was safe, but he needed the light to survive.

He can't be a night forever.

He was afraid he'd disappear and no one would ever notice.

The new soul inside of him was greedier, more selfish, and it fed off the old soul to keep itself alive, nibbling and biting at the innocence until the old soul was simply a hollow shell that could be the perfect vessel to hide the brewing corrupted desires.

Redemption of Royals (Royal #1: Book 3) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now