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RiR crossed 1M, guys! ✨

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Taranya is a lot more calmer than me as she confronts Niharika. Presently, we're in our bedroom, and Niharika has settled herself on the couch next to my working desk. While I had let my rage take charge, my wife is sympathetic and understanding as she listens to Niharika, looks through all the evidence Niharika shows to prove herself worthy of our trust, even goes as far as to show her photos of University from the time she was friends with Atharva, still is. Taranya speaks softly of Atharva, no bitterness in her voice, no resentment in her eyes. She doesn't blame him anymore. It makes me smile. Her outer beauty might have caught my attention first, but it's her kindness that made me fall for her. She's so attentive in the little moments of silence, you'd never go unheard in her presence.

"We were only seventeen." Niharika whispers. "We didn't deserve that." She looks at Tara tearfully.

"You didn't." Tara murmurs, and reaches out to cup Niharika's trembling fists. "And if this makes you feel better, because I know one's sorrow can be another's comfort, I've lost a man very dear to me, so I know how it feels to lose someone before time. You have plans, you've dreams, a to-do list," Tara smiles wistfully as Niharika nods, a mixture of a sob and a chuckle escaping her lips. "And then they're taken away, unfairly, due to someone's selfishness, while you stand there and wonder, is this it? Is this how it ends?" Tears roll down my lovely woman's bright blue eyes and my heart reacts, lurching forward painfully, as if tugging at its own chords to break through and leap out of my chest to wipe her soft cheeks. "Misery is a very familiar place. We all have been there, for different reasons, with the same purpose, to cry and to let go. So while I may not be in your place right now, I've been there once, twice actually. It doesn't get easy. I know it won't until you watch those criminals pay for their sins," Niharika nods eagerly, wiping the back of her hands on her face to get rid of the tears.

"If you feel the need to stay here and help us, you're more than welcome. But I want you to remember one thing, Niharika," Tara squeezes her hands gently, "This is not only about my father, or Vineet. This is about those thousands of orphan kids who were subjected to power abuse, who had to give up on life before they learned how to live. It's a nasty war. And it doesn't end at yours or my revenge. Are you sure you take responsibility for your own security?"

Niharika nods. "I'm not giving up."

"It's okay if you want to. We'll understand." She glances at me with a smile. I nod softly. "But if you find yourself falling weak, just know that it's okay to give up. You've already given seven years of your life to this revenge. I'm sure Vineet knows that and is proud of you. He won't be sad if you back out now."

"No," Niharika denies immediately. "I'm with you." She looks between me and Tara. "And I know my input won't be of much help, but after working as Rajawat Corporation's lawyer for over a year, I've gathered enough evidence that could be useful. I have a list of properties the Chairman has brought under different names, the loss he has shown in annual reports, and the fake companies he has established overseas. Corruption is deep rooted in Rajawat Corporation. I've kept records of every suspicious trade and transactions and I've them all stored in my cloud. I'll send it to you tonight." She looks at me earnestly.

"All that you have is enough to create a small stir in public, but won't cause any effective damage to the company or its reputation."

"Why?" She frowns. "Once the tax department is involved-"

"Niharika," I interrupt her, "My grandfather has spent over fifty years of his life building Rajawat Corporation. Do you think he did that alone?" I shake my head. "From ministers to high profile lawyers to powerful businessmen, he has them all a call away. If Rajawat Corporation is charged with fraud and embezzlement, the case might go to the court but won't reach a decision under the pretext of insufficient evidence, and if it does, they'll have a scapegoat ready."

Redemption of Royals (Royal #1: Book 3) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now