Attempt Uno; Everyone wished it worked

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AN: I am sacrificing so much for these exams, I haven't watched or stalked Atif Aslam in a week. Writing this is a coping mechanism but goddamn I hate physics. DO NOT PICK PHYSICS


Sourav made the boys take his bed, Mahi was barely awake the entire time. He had not let go of Yuvraj's hand despite his drowsiness. They crashed onto the bed, not bothering to change. Mahi was out almost before he hit the pillow, Yuvi having no choice but to follow suite. For all his dedication to keeping up his menace image, he was very sweet in his moments. Sourav made to crash onto the couch but Jammy made him take his room and took the couch instead

"You have had enough stress for today, I don't want you whining for your lost beauty sleep tomorrow. Shoo, India needs her captain. I will watch them,".

Sourav and Sachin decided to bunk together in Jammy's room. Proximity was very much needed after all the excitement. The next morning, he decided to let the boys skip practice for the day. They had gotten in very late at night, and they still didn't know much of what happened yesterday, especially whatever had happened to Mahi. Contrary to popular belief, Sourav had a lot more patience off field than on field, but the need to know had been getting overpowering. Jammy kept lecturing him on giving him space, and knowing how similar Jammy and Mahi were with their feelings, it made sense, and he absolutely hated that. This though? Everyone was in agreement that they can't sit around and wait for Mahi to take his sweet time with the can of worms he was trying to hide. Better to nip the problem if it was spilling all over like that.

But he couldn't just cancel the entire practice for two players. He can get them excused but a practice session missed by the whole team would get unnecessary attention from all sorts of people. So with iron will, Sourav got up, got ready, briefly stirred Yuvraj up to tell him that they were not allowed to leave the room until Sourav got back. He had had enough of the headless chicken race yesterday. Yuvi nodded, not really comprehending everything and dropped back asleep.

Without the agent of chaos, his buddies were much more subdued the entire day. The team knew something had gone down but they hadn't started nagging for answers yet thankfully. Sourav sighed in sync with Jammy. They both looked at each other in surprise, finally cracking a wry smile.

"You try too hard to be cool Jim Jam, loosen up,"

"Yeah like you are the picture of relaxed right now," he shot back.

They snorted trying to enjoy the moment. But way too much had happened yesterday for either of them to lighten up. They couldn't wait to go back.


Mahi opened his eyes blearily. His head felt a bit too light. He wondered if he had really lost some screw finally. Slowly he stretched and looked around, not quite recognizing where he was. He caught sight of Yuvi sitting at the foot of the bed. He was eating, eyes trained on something playing on the television. What was he doing here? He sat up.

Yuvi turned to look at him mid bite, "Oh nice you are awake. I thought you were planning on sleeping till kalyug,".

He frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It is two 'o' clock," Yuvi informed him casually, giving Mahi a heart attack.

Yuvi just laughed at his horror, "Don't worry, Dada told us not to leave this room, until he gets back,".

Mahi groaned and threw a pillow at him, "You could have lead with that. Why though?"

Yuvi stared at him for a long moment before touching his forehead. Mahi whacked him away, "What are you doing?"

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