Blind fear

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He had started feeling normal that day. Or so he thought. Yuvi's rather crazy plan worked. And the entire team watched shamelessly laughing at their captain scramble around for his phone.

"Dadi we are getting late, is this how a captain behaves?" Sachin Pajji mock scolded him. Dada stopped mid rush to glare furiously at him. Mahi wondered when Yuvi would signal because he was feeling a bit sorry looking at him dash around.

"Shut up and get your asses over here, that phone has extremely important contacts. Oh and let us not forget PROBABLE CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS SINCE IT IS THE PHONE OF THE INDIAN CAPTAIN?," he yelled at them which did get everyone moving though slowly and sulkily.

Yuvi nodded at him and a few minutes later, 'miraculously' Mahi found the phone.

"You are a savior Mahi," Dada hugged him in relief, which made him feel guilty but he couldn't help but smile as Jammy Bhai and Sachin Pajji immediately started giving him shit for being careless, in other words getting back at him for all the times he had scolded them. Yuvi was being a whole new level of annoying and laughing openly at Dada being the reason entire team got late. He received a smack at the back of his head, but if there was anyone now completely immune to getting whacked it was him. He just ran away cackling.

And Mahi, he felt nice. After nearly two months, his head was a little quiet, he was starting to think maybe he was going back to normal. That ofcourse made guilt stir in his stomach, instantly souring his mood. He couldn't just get over her so soon, it was too soon, was that all it took for him to move on? He sighed as his usual storm of thoughts returned. Atleast his attention was a bit less diverted he told himself.

The practice went better than yesterday. He ran his round of laps, despite atleast half of his team telling him not to because Dada was mad and he was going to make them all run. He did want to but running was too much of a coping mechanism for him to not do it. Besides he thought that for some weird reason, Dada did not seem all that mad. Saurav Ganguly had a legendary temper but right now he was just bullying them back for bullying him the entire morning for losing his phone.

His head was slightly clearer despite his mood swings and so he was playing better. Yuvi came over at breaktime to tell him he had arranged a couple of bikes for tonight, which definitely made his mood swing in a better direction. Over all? Mahi thought it was a fabulous day in comparison to the utter soul crushing days he had been having. Maybe he thought too soon.


Yuvraj had gotten hold of some really good bikes, but Mahi's reaction to them was even better. Clearly the guy was bike crazy, he couldn't stop spouting random facts about them while Yuvi filled out the paperwork. Yuvi listened on in amusement, this was the most Mahi had spoken since they had met. Heck the dude wasn't even stopping to let Yuvi get a word in. It was a welcome change from whatever was wrong with him, he had barely smiled even after his rather hilarious prank. He ruffled his hair laughing as the other narrowed his eyes in disapproval and set his long locks back in place.

Soon they were weaving around the traffic, racing each other when they reached an empty stretch of road. It was all going well. But then Yuvi did something stupid. In his defense he didn't notice when Mahi left his side and disappeared straight up, it wasn't like he had been racing infront of the guy and had lost him thus. One minute he could swear Mahi had been besides him and the next second he was gone. Panicking hard he pulled over and started calling his friend. Predictably all calls went unanswered, Mahi's questionable relationship with his phone being a thorn again.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" he took of his helmet and face palmed. He had lost a whole ass man. 'Great going Yuvraj' he cursed himself. He had to think up of something before Hitler Dada came to know about anything. He was so dead.

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