Almost a smile

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AN: Not much to say, but Mahi is the poster child for Thicc Thighs save Lives and I think it is important that I remind you of that. Man is built like a tank, like damn people are lucky he is chill, he could probably throw you ten feet if he wanted to.

Also unrelated but there are so many articles trying to unravel MS Dhoni, they all are so wrapped up in his actions and his philosophy but all of them miss the point of him being him. He is simple to understand, if you stop looking so deep into him, he is a man meant for present not future nor past. He literally keeps saying keep it simple, yet everyone overcomplicates his genius and his nature. Like guys he literally just said keep it simple. How are you complicating that.

Also I know this is not much nor the best but again, finals week..


Later that night, they met as they was their habit in Saurav's room.

"You said you had found out something?" Sachin asked as soon as he entered the room.

Rahul nodded, "Not so much from his words as much from his demeanor,".

Saurav frowned, "What does that mean?"

"Demeanor means behavior-"

"I know that you nerd. I meant what did you mean by his demeanor?"

Jammy contemplated for a bit trying to find the best way to put it into words, "You know he looks more disturbed than what he would have looked like if it was a cricket problem. His first tour was pretty terrible, he was performing with us just not out there. We all saw his frustration build up. But I don't know, this is not how he was. I mean yeah he is reserved, he doesn't speak much but you remember his enthusiasm? Asking hundred questions per minute. Always confused about something new he had seen, always curious. Now he is so disinterested if it is not in the middle of a game. All those extra laps. He came late for dinner and left the fastest. I went to his room twice and he was asleep both times. Something happened. I don't know what but something happened and it is serious,".

"We know it is serious," Saurav muttered. He looked out of the window. Mahi was uniquely talented, he was a fearless cricketer, anybody could see immense potential in him. But above all that Saurav really couldn't help but be fond of him, his presence always was so bright and lively. He had built this team with his own hands, yes some players rotated according to need, but there was a core in his team even if they got dropped a couple of times. And that core had always seemed to have one weak link. In terms of cricket it might have been the position of a wicketkeeper, but in terms of his little family here, it was this boy who fit seamlessly with his seniors and juniors. They needed to intervene but also he didn't have any idea how to. He looked at Jammy.

Jammy immediately backed up, "Whoa whoa whoa. No. Don't expect magical solutions from me. I can tell when he is more comfortable or not but I have no starting point to this issue,".

He turned to Sachin, who raised an eyebrow back, "Really Mr. Best Captain Ever? That is your best idea? You know that he hero worships me right? I asked him if he needed water and he panicked and said no. It is mid June".

"How are you two so completely useless? I have to do everything around here, contribute something, it is a team sport, why do I have to come up with solutions every time,".

Shameless as his friends were, they stared back unapologetically. For a long while they sat there not really having any ideas.

Saurav sighed, tired, "Just go to sleep guys. Some idea will come up sooner or later. Just keep an eye on MS. Make sure he is not alone at any time,".

They nodded and got up. Jammy patted his shoulder shoulder, "Don't worry Dadi. We won't lose your chabuk new batsman. Who knows yesterday might have just been a bad day for him. You have enough problems as it is, don't stress too much".

Saurav smiled gratefully at their retreating backs. He was hoping it was nothing indeed but his gut told him otherwise.


Mahi did not think he was a very complex person. Complexity made his head hurt. He was good at simple things. He was not much of a brooder. So all these unnecessary cycle of thoughts that seemed to have a mind of their own because he definitely did not seek them out, were highly unusual to him. It would start from that night in Delhi. How hard he wished he could bring it back, how hard he wished he had stayed for a few more days, maybe he could have prevented it somehow. Nobody in his life really knew her, a few of his friends were aware he was with her, but his parents had no clue. Very few people in her life knew about him. That was perhaps his biggest regret. His Pri had been such a beautiful person, he had thought multiple times about how much everyone he loved would have loved her. But it was too late for all that now. He had been a coward, he had been selfish, she had loved him so much and he hadn't had the spine to tell her the truth. To tell her how much he loved her.

He sighed and got up as Yuvraj "does nothing chill" Singh banged at his door. He opened the door and let him in.

"You aren't even ready? Dude. I am giving you five minutes, I have plans that need your help. Go," Yuvi pushed him towards the bathroom not giving him time to speak.

He was rushed out of the room in under ten minutes. Mahi went along with it, he was way too tired to argue. The plan turned out to be making Dada late for practice since the day before Yuvi had gotten scolded for making Dada wait for a minute extra, or so he claims.

"I am not doing that," Mahi deadpanned.

"Bro don't be a spoilsport, come on bro code n all,".

"No bro code recommends suicide, are you crazy? I am not going to hide his phone, how are we even getting the phone?" Mahi exclaimed incredulously.

A slow smug smile came on Yuvraj's face. He reached into his pocket and brought out a phone. Mahi stared at it in disbelief.

"Yes yes it is his phone. Swiped it yesterday at dinner, he didn't even notice, that old man," he said proudly.

Mahi stared at it a minute longer. And choked.

"What the fuck?" he shook his head, in awe or horror he himself didn't know, "You need help" he told the suicidal man infront of him.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked after a minute.

Yuvi crowed in delight, "You are going to do it?".

"I did not say that," he said immediately but Yuvi ignored it.

"Ok all you have to do is pretend to find it after I give you the signal, that is all,"

"Why can't you do it? Why me?"

Yuvi sighed and patted his head, "My young padawan you have so much to learn. One that nobody believes me. To answer your question, Dada won't believe a word out of any of these rascals mouths. You on the other hand, you are his good boy aren't you. Just flash that 50k watt smile of yours and they will believe you,".

Mahi stared at the phone for a minute, "What will I get out of it?".

Yuvi's eyebrows went up, impressed, "Kyu Bihari, you have potential after all huh? Can't you just help your friend?".

Mahi shook his head, "Too much risk factor. That is The Saurav Ganguly's phone. I have seen him angry so no thanks, without payment no deal,".

Yuvi wiped a fake tear of pride, "They grow up so fast. Okay how about I carry your kitbag today?"

Mahi shook his head, "Too obvious,".

"Will take you out for dinner, anywhere you want,".

"Tempting but no,".

"What do you want then?".

"I want to go for a bike ride,".

Yuvi thought about it for a minute, "I can rent some I guess. Done deal,".

They shook on it and went down for breakfast, phone safe in Mahi's kitbag. For a moment there Mahi almost felt like smiling.

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